Mid term review of cooperation between Norway and Malawi in statistical development
Timeframe: Jan 2006 - Apr 2006
Funder: NORAD-Rammeavtale
The review shall comprise, but not necessary be limited to, the following tasks: Review how the terms and procedures related to administrative arrangements in the agreement between Norway and Malawi have been followed; Review progress and results so far and to what extent the project's goals and objectives are expected to be achieved; Review the use of resources in terms of efficiency and intended use; Assess whether agreed procurement regulations have been followed; Assess to what extent agreed reporting and auditing procedures have been followed; Review any unexpected factors that have occurred that may prevent achievement of expected results. This should include institutional and organisational aspects, financial aspects and technological aspects or any other aspect that could influence the project negatively; Based on the reviews and assessments, make recommendations that may be regarded as important for the continued implementation and fulfilment of the objectives of the project