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Jan Isaksen, Anette Staaland and Bernhard Weimer (2005). Poverty in Mozambique. Discourse, Analysis and Monitoring. Suggestions for National Stakeholders and the Donor Community. Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Report R 2005: 9)

This report was prepared for the Norwegian Embassy in Mozambique and NORAD. Its purpose is to advise the Norwegian and other cooperation authorities on how best to support poverty analysis and monitoring in Mozambique, generally and in the sectors of health, energy and fisheries in particular.

The following scope of work is highlighted in the Terms of Reference:

  • Map ongoing poverty analysis and identify institutions which could be involved in such analysis
  • Assess the latest poverty analyses based on the National Household Survey and other data, with a view to suggesting how further advice can be improved in terms of scope, methodology and dissemination
  • Advise on how a pluralistic professional analysis and discussion on poverty and poverty reduction in Mozambique can be stimulated
  • Assess the justification for and potential value added from the involvement of Norwegian research communities
  • Discuss possible collaborative mechanisms with other ongoing and planned poverty analysis initiatives

Poverty Analysis in Mozambique

Feb 2005 - Aug 2005