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Liss Schanke, Siri Lange (editors) In cooperation with PMO-RALG and the Royal Norwegian Embassy (Dar es Salaam) (2008). Decentralisation and Gender. Coordination and Cooperation on Maternal Health Issues in Selected District Councils in Tanzania. Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Report R 2008: 9)

This empirical study looks at coordination and cooperation within five district councils in Tanzania with a special focus on efforts to reduce maternal mortality.

In what ways do district councils cooperate with local communities, civil society organisations and the private sector to improve maternal health? How well do the different departments within the district councils coordinate their work? What is the relationship between district staff and elected councillors and to what degree is maternal health on the political agenda?

The project's aim has been to identify good practices in relation to these questions and to facilitate learning between districts with relatively low maternal mortality rates (MMR) and districts with relatively high MMR. The project was organised by the Prime Minister's Office for Regional and Local Authorities (PMO-RALG). The Royal Norwegian Embassy in Dar es Salaam co-founded the project.