Kendra Dupuy is no longer affiliated with CMI.

Journal Article | 2018
Do donors reduce bilateral aid to countries with restrictive NGO laws?: A panel study, 1993-2012
Foreign aid contributes to about 10% of gross domestic product of developing countries. To distribute aid in recipient countries, Western donors increasingly rely on non-governmental organizations (NGOs). Yet, since the...
Kendra Dupuy & Aseem Prakash (2018)
in Non-Profit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly vol. 47 no. 1 pp. 89-106

Journal Article | 2018
Understanding the lie of the land: an institutional analysis of petro-governance in Tanzania
Tanzania has recently discovered large petroleum and natural gas reserves, boosting its natural resource stocks and potential future revenue flows. Whether the country’s petroleum resources will translate into economic development...
Kendra Dupuy and Bryan Lee (2018)
in Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law vol. 36 no. 1 pp. 85-101

Journal Article | 2017
Deciding over nature: Corruption and environmental impact assessments
Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) are an important analytic tool for identifying and potentially mitigating project risks and negative environmental and societal impacts. Their usefulness, however, depends on how they are...
Aled Williams and Kendra Dupuy (2017)
in Environmental Impact Assessment Review vol. 65 pp. 118-124

Journal Article | 2016
Hands Off My Regime! Governments’ Restrictions on Foreign Aid to Non-Governmental Organizations in Poor and Middle-Income Countries
Many resource-strapped developing country governments seek international aid, but when that assistance is channeled through domestic civil society, it can threaten their political control. As a result, in the last...
Kendra Dupuy, James Ron, Aseem Prakash (2016)
in World Development

Journal Article | 2015
Who survived? Ethiopia's regulatory crackdown on foreign-funded NGOs
How do public regulations shape the composition and behavior of non-governmental organizations (NGOs)? Because many NGOs advocate liberal causes, such as human rights, democracy, and gender equality, they upset the...
Kendra Dupuy, James Ron, Aseem Prakash (2015)
in Review of International Political Economy vol. 22 no. 2 pp. 419-456

Journal Article | 2014
Community Development Requirements in Mining Laws
Since the mid-1980s, 32 countries around the world have adopted community development requirements into their mining laws, while nine countries are in the midst of doing so. This new public...
Kendra Dupuy (2014)
in The Extractive Industries and Society vol. 1 no. 2 pp. 200-215

Edited Book | 2019
Governing Petroleum Resources: Prospects and Challenges for Tanzania
Over the last decade, large deposits of natural gas have been discovered off the southern coast of Tanzania. This book analyzes the long-term process of how a country develops the...
Odd-Helge Fjeldstad, Donald Mmari and Kendra Dupuy (Eds.) (2019)
Bergen: CMI and REPOA 186 p.

Book Chapter | 2019
Petroleum resources, institutions and politics: An introduction to the book.
Odd-Helge Fjeldstad, Donald Mmari and Kendra Dupuy (2019)
in Odd-Helge Fjeldstad, Donald Mmari and Kendra Dupuy: Governing petroleum resources: Prospects and challenges for Tanzania. Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Insttiute & REPOA pp. 4-12

Book Chapter | 2019
Governing petroleum resources in Tanzania: Lessons learned and policy implications
Odd-Helge Fjeldstad, Donald Mmari and Kendra Dupuy (2019)
in Odd-Helge Fjeldstad, Donald Mmari and Kendra Dupuy: Governing petroleum resources: Prospects and challenges for Tanzania. Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute & REPOA pp. 147-163

Book Chapter | 2017
Corruption and elite capture of mining community development funds in Ghana and Sierra Leone
Community development funds drawing from resource revenues are increasingly used to address issues of revenue distribution and local development in resource production regions. Comparing two West African mining revenue distribution...
Kendra Dupuy (2017)
in David Aled Williams, Philippe Le Billon: Corruption, natural resources and development: from resource curse to political ecology. Cheltenham and Northampton (MA): Edward Elgar Publishing

Report in External Series | 2018
Non-formal girls’ life skills programming Implications for policy and practice
Research in developing countries demonstrates the importance of life skills for improving a range of outcomes for adolescent girls. These outcomes include improved psychosocial and mental health (e.g., emotional resilience,...
Christina Kwauk, Amanda Braga, Helyn Kim, Kendra Dupuy, Sosina Bezu, Are Knudsen (2018)
NW Washington, DC: The Brookings Institution (POLICY BRIEF) 12 p.

CMI Report | 2018
Life skills in non-formal contexts for adolescent girls in developing countries
Executive summary
How can young women in developing countries best be prepared for success in their lives and livelihoods? Life preparation requires learning different types of knowledge and skills in formal,...
Kendra Dupuy, Sosina Bezu, Are Knudsen, Sandra Halvorsen, Christina Kwauk (Brookings Institution), Amanda Braga (Brookings Institution), Helyn Kim (Brookings Institution) (2018)
Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Report R 2018:5) 115 p.

CMI Working Paper | 2016
Understanding the Lay of the Land: An Institutional Analysis of Petro-Governance in Tanzania
Tanzania has recently discovered large petroleum reserves, boosting its reserve natural resource stocks and potential future revenue flows. What is the likelihood that the country’s petroleum resources will translate into...
Bryan Lee, Kendra Dupuy (2016)
Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Working Paper WP 2016:12) 20 p.

CMI Brief | 2019
Civil society’s role in petroleum sector governance: The case of Tanzania
Good governance in the management of natural resources is now recognized by scholars and policy makers as key to ensuring that countries can prevent and escape the resource curse and...
Kendra Dupuy, Lise Rakner, Lucas Katera (2019)
Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Brief no. 2019:02) 4 p.

CMI Brief | 2019
Petroleum’s potential impact on future state-society relations in Tanzania
Tanzanian citizens continue to have high expectations about the benefits that the country’s emerging petroleum sector will provide them with, yet they possess low knowledge about the sector. Policy makers...
Kendra Dupuy, Lucas Katera (2019)
Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Brief no. 2019:03) 4 p.

CMI Brief | 2019
Cursed before production?
Big discoveries of high value natural resources can have negative economic, political, and social effects long before full production of a resource begins. While Tanzania has already experienced some tensions...
Kendra Dupuy, Lucas Katera (2019)
Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Brief no. 2019:01) 4 p.

CMI Brief | 2017
Prospects for peace in a petro-state: Gas extraction and participation in violence in Tanzania
Significant petroleum discoveries in Tanzania have shaped the country’s political discourse in recent years, with politicians promising to turn this newfound resource wealth into rapid economic growth and poverty reduction....
Andreas Stølan, Benjamin Engebretsen, Lars Ivar Oppedal Berge, Vincent Somville, Cornel Jahari, Kendra Dupuy (2017)
Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Brief vol. 16 no. 10) 4 p.

CMI Brief | 2017
Petroleum populism: How new resource endowments shape voter choices
High-value natural resources can be a political “curse” when political elites use resource revenues to maintain power, subvert democratic rule, and distribute public goods to their supporters. New resource discoveries...
Andreas Stølan, Benjamin Engebretsen, Lars Ivar Oppedal Berge, Vincent Somville, Cornel Jahari, Kendra Dupuy (2017)
Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Brief vol. 16 no. 11) 4 p.

CMI Brief | 2016
Petro-Governance in Tanzania: Opportunities and Challenges
Recent significant natural gas discoveries have pushed Tanzania into the international spotlight as a new petroleum producer. How can the country ensure that its newfound wealth is translated into economic...
Bryan Lee, Kendra Dupuy (2016)
Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Brief vol. 15 no. 14) 4 p.

U4 Issue | 2020
La psicología cognitiva de la corrupción. Explicaciones del comportamiento no ético a nivel micro
Las teorías tradicionales de corrupción a menudo asumen premisas sobre motivaciones que podrían no ser válidas. Exploramos el poder de un paradigma teórico alternativo para explicar el comportamiento corrupto: la...
Kendra Dupuy, Siri Neset (2020)
Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (U4 Issue 2020:2)

U4 Brief | 2018
The promise and perils of data for anti-corruption efforts in international development work
Big and open data sources can empower development practitioners and aid recipients to reduce the harmful effects of corruption in development. Data on public procurement, campaign contributions, asset disclosure and...
Daniel Berliner, Kendra Dupuy (2018)
Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (U4 Brief 2018:7)

U4 Issue | 2018
The cognitive psychology of corruption. Micro-level explanations for unethical behaviour
Traditional theories of corruption often make assumptions about motivations that may not necessarily be valid. We explored the power of an alternative theoretical paradigm to explain corrupt behaviour: cognitive psychology....
Kendra Dupuy, Siri Neset (2018)
Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (U4 Issue 2018:2)

U4 Brief | 2018
Corruption and the city: How aid donors can support integrity building in urban spaces
More than half of the world's population live in urban areas. The policies and practices of municipal governments are therefore an integral determinant of the extent to which the Sustainable...
David Aled Williams, Kendra Dupuy (2018)
Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (U4 Brief 2018:2)

U4 Brief | 2017
The global participation backlash: Implications for natural resource initiatives
Civil society organizations can help to ensure good governance over natural resources as members of global multi-stakeholder initiatives like the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative. Yet a good number of resource-rich...
Kendra Dupuy (2017)
Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (U4 Brief 2017:4) 4 p.

U4 Brief | 2017
Digitizing the landscape: Technology to improve integrity in natural resource management
Many information technology initiatives have emerged in recent years with the aim of improving natural resource management. These take a variety of technological forms designed either to directly curb corruption...
Kendra Dupuy,Per Aarvik (2017)
Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (U4 Brief 2017:1)

U4 Issue | 2016
Deciding over nature: Corruption and environmental impact assessments
Environmental impact assessments (EIAs) are a core aspect of environmental decision-making in most countries. Despite massive potential for public harms resulting from corrupt decision-making linked to EIAs, research on this...
Kendra Dupuy, David Aled Williams (2016)
Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (U4 Issue 2016:5) 22 p

U4 Brief | 2016
At the extremes: Corruption in natural resource management revisited
David Aled Williams, Kendra Dupuy (2016)
Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (U4 Brief 2016:6) 6 p

U4 Issue | 2015
REDD Integrity: An evidence based approach to anti-corruption in REDD+
Schemes for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) have emerged as a means to address deforestation trends in developing countries and related emissions of forest carbon. Governance and...
Aled Williams, Kendra Dupuy, Fiona Downs (2015)
Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (U4 Issue 2015:7) 24 p.

U4 Brief | 2015
Ebola and corruption: Overcoming critical governance challenges in a crisis situation
Since the end of 2013, the Ebola virus disease has been ravaging the economies and societies of Sierra Leone, Liberia, and Guinea-Conakry, infecting over 20,000 people by the end of...
Kendra Dupuy, Boris Divjak (2015)
Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (U4 Brief 2015:04) 4 p.

U4 Brief | 2014
Corruption risks and experiences in REDD+ financial benefit sharing mechanisms
The success of REDD+ hinges on providing forest users with positive monetary and nonmonetary incentives or benefits that both motivate behavioral change regarding forest use and help offset the various...
Kendra Dupuy (2014)
Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (U4 Brief 2014:11) 4 p.

Presentation/Lecture | 2015
Oil wealth in Africa's petro-states
How can old and new African oil producers best harness the developmental benefits of their petroleum resources? Is it even possible for African states to achieve economic development using their...
Petter Stigset (Norad, Oil for Development); Torfinn Harding (NHH); Inge Amundsen (CMI); Kendra Dupuy (U4/CMI), Aled Williams (U4/CMI) (2015)
Bergen Resource Centre for International Development 3rd June 2015

Presentation/Lecture | 2014
U4 International Roundtable: REDD+ and Anti-Corruption
Governance and corruption challenges facing REDD+ in the years ahead are widely acknowledged to be daunting both in their scale and severity (Anon, Forum for Development Studies, Forthcoming; Anon, World...
Aled Williams,Kendra Dupuy,Boris Divjak (2014)
Norad Information Centre, Norad, Oslo 21 Nov. 2014

Presentation/Lecture | 2014
Sida Mini-Seminar: Extractive Industries and Anti-Corruption
Aled Williams,Kendra Dupuy (2014)
Sida staff seminar 7th November 2014

U4 Workshop | 2016
Anti-corruption for environmental impact assessments
This two-and-a-half day training workshop, supported by BMZ, involved staff from the Albanian Ministry of Environment, the Albanian National Environment Agency, private sector consultants engaged in producing environmental impact assessments, and...
David Aled Williams,Kendra Dupuy (2016)
Tirana, Albania. 8-10 February 2016

U4 Workshop | 2015
Transparency and accountability in the Albanian public sector: The way forwards
This one-and-a-half day high-level panel and training workshop involved staff from GIZ, KfW, the Embassy of Germany and CIM integrated experts present in Tirana; representatives of the EU and OSCE...
David Aled Williams, Kendra Dupuy (facilitators) (2015)
Tirana, Albania, 18 and 19 November

U4 Workshop | 2015
Corruption risks and anti-corruption strategies in the Philippines' climate finance
GIZ and the ADB, in collaboration with the U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Center, and in partnership with the Philippines' Office of the Ombudsman, organized a training workshop on "Corruption Risks and...
Kendra Dupuy and Aled Williams, Facilitators (2015)
Manila, The Philippines, 25-27 May 2015

U4 Workshop | 2014
Anti-corruption approaches for natural resource management and illicit financial flows
Francesco De Simone, Kendra Dupuy, Aled Williams - Facilitators (2014)
Kathmandu, Nepal, 4 and 5 June 2014

Breaking BAD: Understanding the Backlash Against Democracy in Africa
Aug 2017 - Dec 2021

Tanzania as a Future Petro-State: Prospects and Challenges
Jul 2014 - Dec 2019

Green economy, low carbon development and international climate change policy
Oct 2017 - Oct 2019

Life Skills in Non-Formal Contexts for Adolescent Girls in Developing Countries
Sep 2016 - Jun 2018
[CMI Cluster: Natural Resources ]
Jan 2017 - Dec 2017
Digital Revolutions: Assessing the Role, Influence, and Potential
Aug 2015 - Dec 2016
[SIDA-Workshop in Nairobi on Anti-Corruption ]
Apr 2016 - Apr 2016

Reducing corrupt practices in environmental decision-making
Sep 2015 - Apr 2016

Workshop on anti-corruption in the Albanian public sector
Sep 2015 - Nov 2015