Roberto Gargarella is no longer affiliated with CMI.


Journal Article | 2013

Punishment, Deliberative Democracy & The Jury

Roberto Gargarella (2013)
in Criminal Law & Philosophy (2013)
Journal Article | 2005

The Constitution of Inequality: Constitutionalism in the Americas, 1776-1860

Roberto Gargarella (2005)
in International Journal of Constitutional Law vol. 3 no. 1 January pp. 1-23
Journal Article | 2004

Towards a typology of Latin American constitutionalism: 1810-1860

Roberto Gargarella (2004)
in Latin American Research Review vol. 39 no. 2 pp. 141-154
Journal Article | 2004

Reworking Pettit's republicanism

Roberto Gargarella (2004)
in Associations vol. 8 no. 1 pp. 101-115
Journal Article | 2004

Dificultad, inutilidad y necesidad de la reforma

Roberto Gargarella (2004)
in Lexis Nexis vol. 8 no. 3 pp. 57-61
Journal Article | 2004

Por què el fallo alais es (juridicamente) inaceptable

Roberto Gargarella (2004)
in Lexis Nexis, JA vol. 1 no. 3 pp. 40-44
Journal Article | 2003

Introduction : the accountability function of the courts in new democracies

This special issue examines the political role of courts in new democracies in Latin America and Africa, focussing on their ability to hold political power-holder accountable when they act outside...
Siri Gloppen; Roberto Gargarella and Elin Skaar (2003)
in Democratization vol. 10 no. 4 pp. 1-6
Edited Book | 2016

The Latin American Casebook. Courts, Constitutions, and Rights

Traditionally relegated because of political pressure and public expectations, courts in Latin America are increasingly asserting a stronger role in public and political discussions. This casebook takes account of this...
Juan González-Bertomeu, Roberto Gargarella (2016)
Taylor and Francis 270 p.
Book | 2013

Latin American Constitutionalism (1810-2010): The Engine Room of the Constitution

Latin America possesses an enormously rich constitutional history, one that has only recently become the subject of scholarly inquiry. As noted legal theorist Roberto Gargarella contends, contemporary constitutional and political...
Roberto Gargarella (2013)
Oxford: Oxford University Press 298 p.
Book | 2010

The legal foundations of inequality. Constitutionalism in the Americas 1776-1860

The long revolutionary movements that gave birth to constitutional democracies in the Americas were founded on egalitarian constitutional ideals. They claimed that all men were created equal and with similar...
Roberto Gargarella (2010)
New York: Cambridge Univ. Press 273 p.
Book | 2010

Courts and power in Latin America and Africa

Why do courts hold political power-holders accountable in some democratic and democratizing countries, but not in others?  And, why do some courts remain very timid while others—under seemingly similar circumstances—become...
Siri Gloppen, Bruce M. Wilson, Roberto Gargarella, Elin Skaar, and Morten Kinander (2010)
New York: Palgrave Macmillan 231 p.
Book | 2008

De la Injusticia Penal a la Justicia Social

Roberto Gargarella (2008)
Bogota: Siglo del Hombre Editores /Universidad de los Andes 341 p.
Edited Book | 2007

El Derecho a la Igualdad

Roberto Gargarella and M. Alegre (Eds.) (2007)
Buenos Aires: Lexis Nexis
Edited Book | 2006

Courts and Social Transformation in New Democracies. An Institutional Voice for the Poor?

Using case studies drawn from Latin America, Africa, India and Eastern Europe, this volue examines the role of courts as a channel for social transformation for excluded sectors of society...
Roberto Gargarella, Pilar Domingo and Theunis Roux, editors (2006)
Aldershot/Burlington: Ashgate 311 p.
Book | 2005

Los Fundamentos Legales de la Desigualdad. El Constitucionalismo en America (1776-1860)

Roberto Gargarella (2005)
Madrid: Siglo 304 p.
Edited Book | 2004

Democratization and the judiciary. The accountability function of courts in new democracies

This volume examines the political role of courts in new democracies in Latin America and Africa. Are the courts able to hold political power-holders accountable when they act outside of...
Siri Gloppen, Roberto Gargarella and Elin Skaar (eds.) (2004)
London: Frank Cass 210 p.
Edited Book | 2004

Nuevas ideas republicanas

Roberto Gargarella, F. Ovejero and J.L. Martí (eds.) (2004)
Barcelona: Paidós
Edited Book | 2004

Derecho constitucional

Roberto Gargarella, D. Sabsay et al. (eds.) (2004)
Buenos Aires
Book | 2004

Crítica de la constitución

Roberto Gargarella (2004)
Buenos Aires: Cecoopal
Edited Book | 2003

Democratization and the Judiciary. The Accountability Function of Courts in New Democracies. Special issue of 'Democratization 'vol.10 (2003) no.4

This special issue examines the political role of courts in new democracies in Latin America and Africa. Are the courts able to hold political power-holders accountable when they act outside...
Siri Gloppen, Roberto Gargarella and Elin Skaar (2003)
London: Frank Cass 234 p.
Book Chapter | 2013

Constitutional grafts and social rights in Latin America

The 1917 Mexican Constitution, which was adopted after a revolutionary period, decisively changed the history of Latin American constitutional- ism. Gradually, following its adoption, most countries in the region began...
Roberto Gargarella (2013)
in Elgar Press: Order from Transfer. Comparative constitutional design and legal culture. Northhampton: Elgar Press pp. 322-457
Book Chapter | 2012

Human rights, international courts and deliberative democracy

Roberto Gargarella (2012)
in Nicola Palmer, Phil Clark and Danielle Granville, eds.: Critical perspectives in transitional justice. Antwerp: Intersentia pp. 101-118
Book Chapter | 2011

Dialogic justice in the enforcement of social rights: Some initial arguments

Roberto Gargarella (2011)
in Alicia Ely Yamin and Siri Gloppen, eds.: Litigating health rights. Can courts bring more justice to health?. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard Univ. Press pp. 232-245
Book Chapter | 2007

La Lectura Mayoritaria del Estado de Derecho

Roberto Gargarella (2007)
in M. Melero (Ed.): Democracia, Deliberacion y Diferencia. Madrid no. 17-35
Book Chapter | 2007

El Derecho de Resistencia

Roberto Gargarella (2007)
in F. Cante and L. Ortiz (Eds.): Umbrales de Reconciliacion, Perspectivas de Accion Politica Noviolenta. Bogota: CEPI
Book Chapter | 2007

Expresiones de Violencia en un Contexto de Fragmentacion Social

Roberto Gargarella (2007)
in Derechos Humanos en la Argentina. Informe Anual . Cels, Siglo. Buenos Aires vol. XXI
Book Chapter | 2007

What is the Opposite of a Perfectionist Society?

Roberto Gargarella (2007)
in Andreas Sajò, (Ed.): Censorial Sensitivities: Free Speech and Religion in a Fundamentalist World. Utrecht: Eleven International Publisher pp. 131-147
Book Chapter | 2007

The Right of Resistance in Situations of Severe Deprivation

Roberto Gargarella (2007)
in T. Pogge (Ed.): Freedom from Poverty as a Human Right: Who Owes What to the Very Poor? Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press pp.359-374
Book Chapter | 2006

Theories of Democracy, the Judiciary and Social Rights

Roberto Gargarella (2006)
in Roberto Gargarella, Pilar Domingo and Theunis Roux, editors: Courts and Social Transformation in New Democracies. An Institutional Voice for the Poor?. Aldershot/Burlington: Ashgate pp. 13-34
Book Chapter | 2006

Courts, Rights and Social Transformation: Concluding Reflections

Roberto Gargarella, Pilar Domingo and Theunis Roux (2006)
in Roberto Gargarella, Pilar Domingo and Theunis Roux, editors: Courts and Social Transformation in New Democracies. An Institutional Voice for the Poor?. Aldershot/Burlington: Ashgate pp. 255-281
Book Chapter | 2006

Should Deliberate Democrats Defend the Judicial Enforcement of Social Rights?

Roberto Gargarella (2006)
in Samantha Besson , Jose Luis Marti and Verena Seller (Eds.): Deliberate Democracy and its Discontents. Aldershot/Burlington: Ashgate pp. 233-252
Book Chapter | 2004

Introduction : The accountability function of the courts in new democracies

The book examines the political role of courts in new democracies in Latin America and Africa, focussing on their ability to hold political power-holder accountable when they act outside their...
Siri Gloppen, Roberto Gargarella and Elin Skaar (2004)
in Siri Gloppen, Roberto Gargarella and Elin Skaar (eds.): Democratization and the judiciary. The accountability function of courts in new democracies. London: Frank Cass pp. 1-6
Book Chapter | 2004

In search of democratic justice - what courts should not do: Argentina, 1983-2002

Roberto Gargarella (2004)
in Siri Gloppen, Roberto Gargarella and Elin Skaar (eds.): Democratization and the judiciary: The accountability function of courts in new democracies. London: Frank Cass pp. 181-197
Book Review | 2014

Albert W. Dzur: Punishment, participatory democracy & the jury

Roberto Gargarella (2014)
in Crime, Law & Social Change vol. Volume 61 no. Issue 1 pp. 110-111
Journal Article | 2007

Como no Deberia Pensarse el Derecho a la Igualdad

Roberto Gargarella (2007)
in Jurisprudencia Argentina no. 4 Suppl. pp. 67-72
Journal Article | 2007

Mano Dura Sobre el Castigo

Roberto Gargarella (2007)
in Nueva Doctrina Penal no. 2
Journal Article | 2007

Un Dialogo Sobre la Ley y la Protesto Social

Roberto Gargarella (2007)
in Post-Data no. 12 pp. 107-139


Litigating the Right to Health

Jan 2008 - Jan 2012

Courts in transition

Jan 2005 - Dec 2005