Preparing a set of knowledge reviews to inform the process of developing the new Norwegian Action Plan on Women's Rights and Gender Equality in Foreign and Development Policy.
In this project, a team of researchers from the CMI's Rights and Gender Research Group prepared three knowledge reviews that would inform the Ministry of Foreign Affairs´ work on developing its new Action Plan. The themes chosen were Theories of Change; Violence against Women and Harmful Practices; and Women's Economic Rights and Empowerment. The main goal was to assess whether the Theories of Change in preceding Action Plans were rooted in research-based knowledge.
The knowledge reviews analyzed prior Action Plans' Theories of Change, as well as current global trends. The analysis of the Theories of Change revealed assumptions, mechanisms, and approaches that needed further examination. This became the basis for research questions that were posed to the research literature and the findings that were synthesized.
The three reviews were written in report format and the recommendations presented to the Ministry and relevant parties in Norad. Following the report´s delivery, the team reviewed the draft Action Plan and advised on its operationalization and accompanying reporting framework. This innovative and vital collaboration between policy-makers and researchers allowed a knowledge-based process to inform the development of the new Action Plan.