Photo: Liv Tønnessen

What we do

We do research, evaluations, training, lectures and seminars.

Our research is grounded in theory and often based on extensive fieldwork. Our research benefits from a blend of academically and operationally oriented work. Academic research ensures that we maintain our scientific standards through publications in peer reviewed outlets. Operationally oriented research brings us closer to practitioners and policy makers, suggests new research questions, and creates platforms for research communication. Our research is funded by research grants and commissioned studies.

As an applied research institute the CMI approach is to introduce theory and methodology from our academic research into commissioned evaluations. The overall aim is to contribute to change in best practice within the Norwegian aid system. We work closely with clients to facilitate research uptake, by way of a variety of tools: workshops with stakeholders, presentations and policy briefs, interaction with media, and publication of findings in international peer-reviewed journals. CMI has conducted a number of evaluations of the Norwegian system for aid evaluations. These have been critical reviews of the way evaluations have been conducted in Norway, with recommendations for improvements of the evaluability of aid projects.

We offer training on anti-corruption issues for the partner agencies of the U4 Anti-Corruption Centre, and for their invited partners.  We provide a range of online and in-country anti-corruption courses, tailored to the needs of donor agency staff, and based on research findings and the experience of professionals and practitioners in the field.

Evidence Review
Science is a cumulative process. Few studies are by themselves convincing enough to change policy or practice. We provide knowledge syntheses that summarize and evaluate the evidence base relevant for specific policy questions. 

Communication and Dialogue
Our research and expertise is relevant to a varied audience from policy-makers to academia. We promote research uptake through targeted communication with those who can change policy, practice and public opinion. We also engage with practitioners and policy makers to ensure the relevance of our work.

Code of Conduct
The goals of the Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI) require that all who work for the institution observe the highest standards of professional ethics. The Code of Ethics and Integrity sets the standards by which all staff at CMI and participants in CMI’s research and consultancy projects must apply and is an integral part of CMI’s system for governance, management, financial control and reporting.

CMI shall conduct its business with integrity, respecting the laws, cultures, dignity and rights of individuals in all countries where we operate. CMI is obliged by law to exercise fair labour practices and to maintain a safe and healthy work environment for the staff. CMI urges to have a diverse staff when it comes to gender, nationalities, beliefs, family relationships, or backgrounds. Fair treatment of all staff is essential, and all shall be given equal opportunities. CMI strive to arrange for good work-family balance, according to the individual’s situation.

CMI will respect the human rights of those affected by its activities in accordance with international human rights instruments and standards. CMI will abstain from any improper involvement in local political activities

CMI's Code of Ethics and Integrity shall apply to all our activities. We will seek to ensure that our partners adopt similar commitments in connection with common projects. This Code applies to all employees (including temporary personnel) and directors in CMI. It also applies to intermediaries, consultants and others who act on CMI's behalf. 

 CMI Code of Ethics and Integrity 2020