Fun and Games among the Italian Arditi (1917-1922)
Arditi (The Daring Ones) was the name adopted by elite shock troops of the Royal Italian Army formed in the summer of 1917.
In the sixth episode of WARFUN podcast entitled “War as a Game: The Playful Aspects of the Daring Ones’ Military and Paramilitary Experiences, 1917-1922” Blasco Sciarrino talks how the activities of the Arditi were shaped by fun. In his presentation the notion of fun is understood as either the act of experiencing enjoyment or amusement, or the process of partaking in ludic and gymnastic activities.
Sciarrino’s inquiry is mainly based on the personal memoirs penned by members of the Arditi, and war veterans’ periodicals. In the presentation he particularly referred to the under-investigated publication authored by pro-Fascist assault troops, titled Fiamma Nera (Black Flame). And here enclosed illustrations were published in the smaller trench newspapers of certain units. They present the members of the Arditi as jovial men both willing and capable of turning any military activity into an opportunity for having fun.
More about the illustrations and about this topic in general can be listened to on the WARFUN podcast here.

Image 1: La Tradotta: Giornale Settimanale della Terza Armata, October 15, 1918 (Image courtesy of the Museo Civico del Risorgimento di Bologna; further reproduction is prohibited)

Image 2: Le Fiamme: Numero Unico per le Truppe d’Assalto, September 22, 1918 (Image courtesy of the Biblioteca di Storia Moderna e Contemporanea (Roma); further reproduction is prohibited)

Image 3: Fiamma Nera: Voce dell’Arditismo: Settimanale della Federazione Nazionale fra gli Arditi d’Italia, May 8, 1921 (Image courtesy of the Ministero della Cultura. Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze; further reproduction is prohibited)