Global Health
CMI's health research focuses on how to improve health and healthcare for vulnerable groups.
Current projects

U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Centre
Completed projects

Pushing pads

RISE - Research Initiative to Support the Empowerment of girls

Sexual and Reproductive Rights Lawfare: Global battles

Performance-based financing of health services in Tanzania

Life Skills in Non-Formal Contexts for Adolescent Girls in Developing Countries

Evaluation of Haydom Lutheran Hospital

Abortion Rights Lawfare in Latin America

Understanding P4P process and pathways. A Tanzanian case study

Operationalizing a Rights-Based Approach to Health Service Delivery

Review of the Norwegian support to Haydom Lutheran Hospital, Tanzania

Economic determinants of food intake and health outcomes in Nepal

Litigating the Right to Health

Post.doc Health worker motivation and availability

Health, Poverty and Public Expenditure

Productivity of health workers

Service Delivery Indicators: a pilot

Global Health and Development

Priority setting in global health
Better health for all
CMI’s health research focuses on how to improve health and healthcare for vulnerable groups. We explore how the quality of health care can be improved.
Our particular focus is on the interaction between patients and health care providers. We evaluate whether financial incentives or other interventions can be used to improve health outcomes.
We explore the underlying reasons for early marriage and pregnancy. We evaluate the impact of strategies to educate and empower adolescents and their communities.
We explore how health rights can be realized, with
a particular focus on sexual and reproductive rights.
Our research and evaluation expertise:
- Health worker performance
- Performance-based financing
- Early marriage and pregnancy
- Health rights/sexual and reproductive rights
CMI is partner in a Centre of Excellence, the Centre for Intervention Science in Maternal and Child Health (CISMAC). This international consortium involves institutions in seven countries and is anchored at the Centre for International Health at the University of Bergen.