Democracy and Governance
We study how political institutions, political processes and political action shape and are shaped by democracy and rights, economic outcomes and social development.
Current projects
Conflict Enclosures
Sudan-Norway Academic Cooperation (SNAC)
Rights Activism under Political Uncertainty (RightAct)
U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Centre
Completed projects
Support to International IDEA's Money in Politics Programme
Influx of Migrants Following Russia's Invasion of Ukraine:
Norad Governance and Transparency Section: Theory of Change
Breaking BAD: Understanding the Backlash Against Democracy in Africa
Money Talks: Electoral Financing of Women
Women in the developmental state: female employment and empowerment
[EBA: In pursuit of per diem ]
Analysis of the Political Economy of Malawi
The Political Economy of Governance in Malawi
Democratisation, Political Participation, and Gender in Malawi
Operationalizing a Rights-Based Approach to Health Service Delivery
Reducing corrupt practices in environmental decision-making
Workshop on anti-corruption in the Albanian public sector
European Parliament study on costs of corruption in developing countries
Taxation and local democracy under the oil state
REDD Integrity
Angola: Political institutions and elections
CEIC-CMI Angola Programme (phase 2)
Using Corruption Risk Assessments for REDD+ - An Introduction for Practitioners
The Political Parties in Bangladesh: Political Dynasties and Democratisation
Bangladesh: Capacity building and sustainability
Bangladesh: Programme monitoring and coordination
Post--war power sharing
Bangladesh: Inclusive growth and good governance
Foredrag om korrupsjon og korrupsjonsforebygging
Democracy and corruption
The Parliament of Bangladesh: Representation and Accountability
Who rules Nigeria?
Review of donor support for anti-corruption initiatives in Malawi
Elections and Democracy in Africa
Workshops on anti-corruption strategy and corruption in aid
Book project on corruption in the health sector
Allowances and Per Diems in Sub-Saharan Africa
Seminar on corruption and anti-corruption in the Democratic Republic of Congo
Leonardo Arriola
Political space for all
We study how political institutions, political processes and political action shape and are shaped by democracy and rights, economic outcomes and social development.
We study how political institutions, political processes and political action shape and are shaped by democracy and rights, economic outcomes and social development.
Rule of law, civil liberties and basic political rights are under threat in countries worldwide.
Our research focuses on the growing pressure against democratic institutions in Africa. We have cooperated closely with African partners for decades and have extensive fieldwork experience.
Our research holds high academic quality and provides concrete input to actors engaged in bilateral work, and to donors and activists navigating the shrinking space for civil society.
Our research and evalauation expertise:
- Democratisation and autocratization
- Civil society and civil liberties
- Media and freedom of expression
- Taxation and political economy of governance
- Bottom-up approaches to governance