Climate and Natural Resources
CMI research examines the political economy of natural resource extraction covering both renewable and extractive sectors.
Current projects

Support to Norad's Department of Climate, Nature and the Private Sector

Conflict Enclosures

U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Centre

Climate Change & Migration Research at CMI

Climate change, refugee reception and adaptation on the European borderland

Climate-Related Migration Governance in Uganda
Completed projects

Support to International IDEA's Money in Politics Programme

Norad Evaluation of REDD+ Civil Society Support

Congo Basin: How Deforestation Affects Precipitation Patterns

The political economy of river sand mining in South Asia

Targeting Natural Resource Corruption (TNRC)

Norwegian energy companies abroad

Tanzania as a Future Petro-State: Prospects and Challenges

Green economy, low carbon development and international climate change policy

Tanzania as a future Petro-State (component 2 Mining)

Third Independent Review of the Indonesia-Norway Cooperation on REDD+

Corruption and the illegal caviar trade

Corruption and Commodity Trading

Reducing corrupt practices in environmental decision-making

Corruption, corruption prevention and good governance in the petroleum sector

Poverty and entrepreneurship

Diversification of the Angolan economy

Corruption, corruption prevention and good governance in the petroleum sector

REDD Integrity

CEIC-CMI Angola Programme (phase 2)

Using Corruption Risk Assessments for REDD+ - An Introduction for Practitioners

Governance and FDI in Bangladesh: A global perspective

Bangladesh: Inclusive growth and good governance

Corruption, corruption prevention and good governance in the petroleum sector

Concept note on Training on Governance in the Petroleum Sector

Contested Powers: Towards a Political Anthropology of Energy in Latin America

Training programme "Understanding the petroleum sector challenges"

Corruption, corruption prevention and good governance in the petroleum sector

The Construction Transparency Initiative (CoST)

Nigeria: Norwegian Support of Good Governance

CEIC - CMI Cooperation Programme

Micro credit for Sustainable Development in Angola

Comparative Corporate Strategies

Flammable Societies
Managing Natural Resources
Our research examines the political economy of natural resource extraction covering both renewable and extractive sectors.
We look at how political decisions for resource extraction and the use of resource revenues are made, and the role of various stakeholders in influencing these policies.
Our analyses produce contextualised and evidence based policy analysis in order to contribute to improved resource management. This includes assessment of policy options related to governance, legislation, sector regulation, taxation, and local content policies.
Our research and evaluation expertise:
- Pre-source curse
- Governance and corruption risks
- Sector regulation
- Revenue and expenditure management
Learn more about our ongoing initiative on Climate Change and Migration - CLIMIG.