Open lecture with Prof. Leigh Payne (Director, Latin American Centre, University of Oxford).

The notion of the "justice cascade" and "justice revolution" suggests that few barriers exist to overcoming impunity for past human rights violations in today's world.

Leigh Payne's recent research on amnesty laws shows, however, that amnesties have persisted despite the shift toward accountability for past human rights violations. This presentation will explore those findings as well as other troubling barriers to accountability. It considers what factors need to be in place to promote pathways to accountability as well as the factors that continue to block those pathways.

Discussant: Camila Gianella (CMI)


Hosted by Cluster on Rights and Legal Institutions (CMI)


Journal Article | 2013

Wavering Courts: From Impunity to Accountability in Uruguay

Many Latin American countries are moving towards increased accountability for past human rights violations. There is a growing international consensus that some crimes simply cannot be exempted from prosecution according...
Elin Skaar (2013)
Journal of Latin American Studies
Report in External Series | 2012

From impunity to prosecution? Sexual violence in Sudan beyond Darfur

Serious shortcomings in Sudanese laws and practices contribute to the lack of protection of victims of rape in Sudan. There is need for comprehensive legal reform, particularly of Sudan’s Criminal...
Liv Tønnessen (2012)
(NOREF Report, February 2012)
Presentation/Lecture | 2011

From impunity to prosecution

Liv Tønnessen (2011)
Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs November 11, 2011
Book Chapter | 2011

Impunidad versus responsabilidad jurídica en el Uruguay: El rol de la Ley de Caducidad

Many countries in Latin America and elsewhere in the world are moving in the direction of increased accountability for human right violations, and there is a growing consensus that some...
Elin Skaar (2011)
in Gabriela Fried y Francesca Lessa (editores) Con la colaboración de Brenda Falero: Luchas contra la impunidad: Uruguay 1985-2011. Montevideo: Trilce
Book Chapter | 2011

Impunidade versus responsabilidade no Uruguai: o papel da Ley de Caducidad

Muitos países na América Latina e noutras partes do mundo estão seguindo em direção a uma maior responsabilização no que tange às violações de direitos humanos, e existe um consenso...
Elin Skaar (2011)
in Leigh A. Payne, Paulo Abrão, Marcelo D. Torelly: A Anistia na Era da Responsabilização: O Brasil em Perspectiva Internacional e Comparada. Centro de Estudos Latino-Americanos, Universidade de Oxford, Reino Unido pp. 429-468
Conference Paper / Presentation | 2010

"Impunity versus accountability in Uruguay: The role of la Ley de Caducidad"

Many countries in Latin America and elsewhere in the world are moving in the direction of increased accountability for human right violations, and there is a growing consensus that some...
Elin Skaar (2010)
Presented at: Conference on "Amnesty in the Age of Accountability: Brazil in Comparative and International Perspective", Oxford, October 2010