Documentary film: The People and the President. A Portrait of the Bolivarian Revolution
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The People and the President is a close-up portrait of the poor supporters of the late Hugo Chávez, taking the pulse of Caracas, the chaotic and vibrant capital of Venezuela, during the presidential elections in 2006.
Why did Chávez gain such popularity amongst the poor? How has life changed in the shantytowns? And why do they fear so much that the political opposition, drawn mainly from the elite sectors of society, will come back in power?
After the screening, co- film maker and researcher and PhD-candidate at Chr. Michelsen Institute, Iselin Åsedotter Strønen will hold a short presentation about the current situation in Venezuela, followed by questions and discussion.
Film: The People and the President. A Portrait of the Bolivarian Revolution (Strønen and Wærness 2007, Spanish with English subtitles, 86 min.).