LAUNCH CONFERENCE - Public Anthropologist
LAUNCH CONFERENCE - Public Anthropologist
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Public Anthropologist is a new journal that brings social anthropology into the public realm. The journal is a platform for dialogue and debate on socially and politically challenging topics. It aims to impact public awareness and policy making.
In this launch conference, leading anthropologists share their research on current crucial issues like asylum, migration and human organs trafficking.
Antonio De Lauri (CMI), the Editor in Chief, presents the journal and talks about Public Anthropology in Times of "Impact".
Linda Green (University of Arizona) shares her insights on Ethics as Politics, Anthropology as Praxis: The Entanglements of Guatemalan Mayan Women Seeking Asylum in the US.
Barak Kalir (University of Amsterdam) discusses his research on Deportation as a Tolerated Evil State Project: A Tale of Illegalized Migration and Compromised Anthropology.
Nancy Scheper-Hughes (University of California at Berkeley) leads us through the issue of Kidney Hunter: Trafficking with the Organ Traffickers.
Finger food, fruit and drinks will be served. Welcome!