INFLUX project: Midway seminar
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Over two years have passed since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, resulting in an unprecedented displacement of war refugees in Europe. A substantial number of refugees have sought sanctuary in Baltic and Nordic countries. The rapidly evolving displacement situation highlights a growing need for enhanced scholarly and policy-oriented knowledge on refugee integration. We would like to extend an invitation to you for a webinar on the 19th of March, where we will delve into this topic.
The webinar is public and open for all.
Please register here.
Registrated participants will be sent link to attend March 18,2024, one day before the webinar. Deadline for registration: March 17, 2024
Anna Lund, professor at the University of Stockholm.
Mari Nuga, researcher at the Tartu University in Estonia.
Tiit Tammaru, professor at the Tartu University in Estonia.
Henrik Lindegaard Andersen, senior researcher at Western Norway University of Applied Sciences and Norce.
These researchers are presenting recent findings related to the HVL-led NordForsk-financed research project INFLUX (#161678)
13:00 Welcome and introduction (Liv Osland, PI, HVL)
13:10 The arrival of Ukrainian refugee students: a comparative case study of immigrant incorporation in Finnish and Swedish schools (Anna Lund, Stockholm University) Comments provided by Nataša Pantić, University of Scotland
13:30 Transnational Ties: Investigating the role of social connections in the integration pathways of Ukrainian refugees (Mari Nuga, University of Tartu) Commenta provided by Janika Hango, Tartu Welcome Center for Foreigners
13:45 Refugees find employment in very different settlements contexts: an empirical study from Estonia (Tiit Tammaru, University of Tartu) Comments provided by Juho Peltonen, Senior Specialist, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, Finnland
14:00 Norwegian settlement policy and probability of refugees' outmigration. Some quasi-experimental evidence (Henrik Lindegaard Andersen, HVL)
14:10 Questions and comments from the audience (Cathrine Talleraas, Co-PI, Chr. Michelsen Institute)