CMI will be participating at Arendalsuka 2024, shedding light on topics at the core of our research: global public goods, governance, and international relations with Afghanistan. 

Arendalsuka takes place from 12-16 August. Here, research- and educational institutions, the business sector, politicians, journalists, and civil society organisations come together to discuss national and international challenges.

You will find us at these events:


Debatten om globale fellesgoder - Hvordan komme oss videre? 

13 August, 13:00-13:45.
Location: Den globale scene (Den Lille Andunge), Nedre Tyholmsvei 7B, 2nd floor

In Norwegian.

Co-organised by CMI, the Development Learning Lab and Redd Barna.


How can Norway support resilient governance in Ukraine

14 August, 14:00-14:45.
Location: Den globale scene (Den Lille Andunge), Nedre Tyholmsvei 7B, 2nd floor

Co-organised by CMI and the U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Centre 


Taliban mot resten? Afghanistan mellom engasjement og isolasjon

14 August, 08:00-09:00
Location: Menneskerettighetsteltet

In Norwegian.

Co-organised by the Norwegian Afghanistan Committee, the Nansen Center for Peace and Dialogue, PRIO and CMI.