Contractor for data collection in Madagascar
The “Anticipatory Climate Adaptation for Communities in Africa” (ACACIA) project is looking for a contractor for data collection in Madagascar. The ACACIA project (ACACIA (Horizon Europe) – EU Horizon Europe project) is a multi-partner, interdisciplinary initiative aimed at addressing the critical challenges posed by climate change to vulnerable communities in Sub-Saharan Africa. CMI is a consortium member that is responsible for evaluation of climate services through evidence-based method, including randomized controlled trials (RCTs). The data collection process will be conducted in three stages: baseline, midline, and endline. Every survey will be carried out in person through face-to-face interviews. Although the specific villages for data collection are yet to be determined, the data collection will focus on the Sofia region and will include a target population of 200 villages. A list of the specific villages for data collection will be provided by CMI. In each village, 18 households will be randomly sampled, resulting in a total sample size of 3,600 households at baseline. We invite interested parties to suggest suitable sampling strategies within villages and propose strategies to reduce attrition in the mid- and endline survey. The tender is open until 28. February EOD. You can submit your documents and questions to
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