Collaboration on anti-corruption: Norway and Brazil
The ambition of this project is to understand how governments should collaborate on anti-corruption challenges, in order to follow up on the intentions behind international anti-corruption conventions. We focus on two countries; Norway and Brazil.
Brazil represents one of the largest markets for the Norwegian exporting industry, in fact the largest market for Norwegian firms outside the OECD area. A large number of Norwegian firms have been represented in Brazil over many years, including shipping, oil and gas, energy, timber, construction, and finance companies. The Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs encourages positive ties between Norway and Brazil by supporting business relations, facilitating dialogue, and promoting cooperation between institutions in the two countries. As part of these efforts, there is an aim to get better understanding of potential obstacles to well-functioning business collaboration.
The study is financed by The Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, but is being carried out by an independent agency, Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI), in collaboration with an organization in Brazil, Transparência Brasil. A report will be completed by December 2007.