Annual CEIC/CMI seminar
Timeframe: Feb 2008 - Dec 2010
As part of the research programme an annual seminar will take place. The first seminar was held in Bergen in June 2008, the second seminar took place in Luanda in June 2009, and the third seminar is planned to be held in Luanda in July 2010. Also a final conference towards the end of 2010 or early 2011 is planned.
The seminars serve as a forum for presentation of studies and other outputs of the cooperation. The Bergen conferences focused in particular on the Norwegian public NGO and private audience and the Luanda conferences on the similar Angolan audiences. Three to four researchers will travel to the Conference from the institution which does not arrange it.
CEIC-CMI Annual Conference 2009 - Papers and presentations available

CEIC - CMI Cooperation Programme
Feb 2008 - Dec 2010