Short courses: Social Science Methodology
In addition to the research projects, the CEIC - CMI cooperation will establish various training courses. The courses will primarily be based on the joint research projects and topics of current interest of the two institutes. The aim is to strengthen and broaden the teaching capacity of the Catholic University of Angola (UCAN) in social sciences, to assist CEIC in its effort to be a centre for debate, and to offer training possibilities for UCAN/CEIC academic personnel, students at UCAN and civil society representatives and other interested participants.
One of the first short courses to be held is a course in Social Science Research methodologies, including sub-topics like case studies and comparative methods, fieldwork and anthropological methods, participatory research methods, statistical methods and economic modelling, with an emphasis on econometrics.
This first course will be offered in July 2008, the second in December 2008, and others may follow (tbd).