How to cite this publication:

Turid Bøe (1999). Access regimes and institutions: The economic organisation of the migrant Popo fishermen of Pointe- Noire, Congo. Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Working Paper WP 1999:8)

Within Popo society in Pointe Noire, Congo, fishermen sell their fish to their wives at a price slightly below the local market price. The wives process the fish and re-sell it in distant markets, making a profit they mainly re-invest in their husband's fishing activities. The present paper investigates this specific economic household organisation in order to reveal the mechanisms producing and preserving it. To accomodate the analysis the access regime, describing the distributions of rights as well as the different actors' ability to act upon their rights, is introduced and defined. An important insight generated by the analysis is how particular institutions exist to serve the economic interests of dominant groups in the society.

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