Opposition Parties and the 2008 Parliamentary Elections in Angola
How to cite this publication:
Inge Amundsen, Markus Weimer (2008). Opposition Parties and the 2008 Parliamentary Elections in Angola. Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Working Paper WP 2008:9)
Parliamentary elections were held in Angola on 5th September 2008, as the first elections in the country since 1992. There were 138 political parties registered, but only fourteen parties (including four party coalitions) were approved for the elections.
This study gives a background to the 2008 parliamentary elections and provides an overview of the pre-election political situation, the ‘playing field', the election system and last, and most importantly, the opposition parties. The study is based on interviews with party officials of the most important political parties, newspaper articles and a review of the few reports available on politics and political parties.