Dialogue dynamics, programming challenges: Donor approaches to anti-corruption and integrity reform in Cambodia, 2004 to 2009
How to cite this publication:
Sokbunthoeun So, Sedara Kim, Aled Williams (2010). Dialogue dynamics, programming challenges: Donor approaches to anti-corruption and integrity reform in Cambodia, 2004 to 2009. Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (U4 Background Paper )
Poor governance and corruption are widely acknowledged as major impediments to alleviating poverty and achieving development objectives in Cambodia. In response to this challenging governance environment, international donors have, for some years, devoted a significant part of their assistance to the promotion of good governance and public integrity in the country. Based on qualitative interviews with bilateral development agency practitioners in Cambodia and a literature review, this study aims to provide an overview of donor approaches to anti-corruption and integrity reform in Cambodia from 2004 to 2009. It investigates the manner in which donor agencies have conceived of governance and corruption challenges and the programmatic means and dialogue channels they have used to meet them. Some tentative lessons for future donor engagement in this area are provided.
David Aled Williams