Book cover
Edited Book
| 2014
Popular Protest in the New Middle East: Islamism and Post-Islamist Politics
The Arab Spring represents a tectonic shift in Middle East from austere authoritarianism to opening the space for long repressed Islamist movements to seek elected office and political power. Examining this shift, the topic of this book, is a key to understand the new Middle East and assess where the region is heading. The volume is the result of long-term research co-operation between the Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI) and the Palestinian Institute for the Study of Democracy (Muwatin) funded by the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad).
Book contributors (alphabetically):
Yildiz Atasoy, Asef Bayat, Francesco Cavatorta, Vincent Durac, Issandr El-Amrani
Basem Ezbidi, Rikke Haugbølle, Line Khatib, Karim Knio, Are Knudsen
Are John Knudsen
Research Professor, Coordinator HUMIG research group