Poverty among Sudanese communities along the eastern borders: A case study from the Kassala and Gedarif States
How to cite this publication:
Dr. Faiez Ahmed Hamed ElNeel, Dr. Hassan Ahmed Abdel Ati, Dr. Eltayeb Mohamedain Abdalla (2017). Poverty among Sudanese communities along the eastern borders: A case study from the Kassala and Gedarif States. Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (Sudan Working Paper SWP 2017:2)
The data for this paper was collected through a survey aimed at reviewing the socioeconomic conditions of the communities living along the Sudanese border between Eritrea and Ethiopia. The survey was conducted during July-August 2013 (Abdel Ati, ElTayeb Mohamadain, and Faiz Hamad ElNil 2014). Its main objectives include:
Estimating poverty indices among eastern Sudan border communities. Measuring poverty levels and depth, and the decomposition of socioeconomic characteristics;
Establishing a baseline for further research and analysis of poverty and livelihoods in the area as one of the few field-based studies; and
Assisting decision-makers and other stakeholders at state and national levels by providing recommendations on appropriate policies and programming aimed at poverty reduction.