U4 Brief
| 2022
Gender, corruption, and recruitment in the Haitian judiciary
How to cite this publication:
Marianne Tøraasen (2022). Gender, corruption, and recruitment in the Haitian judiciary. Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (U4 Brief 20xx:x)
Corruption is a threat to gender equality and presents an obstacle to women’s access to decision-making roles. Where recruitment to public office is determined by political contacts and ‘shadowy’ arrangements, women tend to lose out. In Haiti, the introduction of more transparent and merit-based procedures has helped women sidestep the largely male power networks that had previously been excluding them from being appointed to the judiciary. Consequently, Haitian women are now entering courts as judges in increasing numbers.
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Women on the Bench: The Role of Female Judges in Fragile States
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U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Centre
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