Popular Dissemination
| 2024
What are the triggers behind the recent riots among Eritreans
According to the Human Rights Watch World Report 2023 Eritrea's government is continuing to severely repress its population and imposing restrictions on freedom of expression, opinion and faith. At the end of 2021 there were almost 600 000 Eritreans refugees and asylum seekers abroad.
We have seen clashes between Eritreans in several European cities, including in Bergen and Oslo. Why are Eritreans fighting each other in Norway? How is the Eritrean regime operating here and how does it affect the human rights of the Eritrean diaspora? What is the human rights situation in Eritrea like at the moment?
In the panel:
- Dessale Berekhet, Eritrean writer and journalist who worked as a journalist in the country until the crackdown of the private media in Eritrea in 2001
- Fitwi Wolday, former leader of the Eritrean Professional Association in Norway (representing himself at this event)
- Lovise Aalen, research professor at CMI with a focus on authoritarian politics in the Horn of Africa region, ethnic politics and diasporas in Europe
- Kjetil Tronvoll, Professor in Peace and Conflict studies at Oslo Nye Høyskole. He has done extensive research in Eritrea
Moderator will be Rahwa Yohaness, editor of Afrika.no