Transnational and local connections in the integration of Ukrainian refugee families
This brief draws on an interview study that sought to identify and understand the local and transnational social networks of Ukrainian refugee families in Estonia in the autumn of 2023. The aim of the interviews was to gain insights into how migrant families navigate and utilize their social networks in decision-making regarding integration pathways and future plans. The study seeks to gain insights into the nature and strength of transnational and local connections, including friendships, associations, and interactions with local authorities, as well as the structure and dynamics of these networks.
The analysis suggest that the integration decisions of Ukrainian families may be influenced by their connections to Ukrainians in Ukraine and other countries. However, it also indicates that these connections can be fragile, cut-off or unstable for various practical and/or political reasons. On the other hand, meaningful connections with the local population are highly valued, but often challenging to establish. Consequently, many individuals primarily maintain close ties with their families or other Ukrainian refugees in similar circumstances, both in Estonia and other countries. While the refugees included in this study have made some progress in integrating economically and socially in Estonia, their long-term plans, by the time of the interviews, were still affected by feelings of insecurity and indecisiveness, regardless of the number or strength of their local or transnational connections.