Examining Compliance with Domestic Human Rights Bodies: the Case of Truth Commission Recommendations
Human rights compliance research neglects recommendations from national human rights institutions and other domestic bodies. In particular, the implementation of recommendations issued by temporary truth commissions remains underexplored. We use data from Skaar et al. (2022a) to address this gap. Specifically, we apply multilevel ordered logistic regression to data on the implementation of recommendations made by 11 Latin American truth commissions to measure state compliance. We find that compliance is lower when truth commissions issue many recommendations. Backward-looking recommendations are more infrequently implemented. Conversely, legal reform recommendations are more likely to be implemented. Finally, variables commonly associated with truth commission success, such as the nature of the transition and civil society strength, are not significant. Thus, we advance understanding of human rights compliance and offer prescriptions for how truth commissions should craft their recommendations and, ultimately, maximize their impact.