Bruce M. Wilson is no longer affiliated with CMI.

Journal Article | 2023
Democracy and public goods revisited: Local institutions, development, and access to water
Democracies are commonly thought to provide greater levels of public goods than autocracies. Given that many public goods are provided locally, higher levels of local democracy are further thought to...
Rebecca Schiel, Bruce M. Wilson, Malcolm Langford, Christopher M. Faulkner (2023)
in British Journal of Politics and International Relation

Journal Article | 2022
The Decentered Construction of Global Rights: Lessons from the Human Rights to Water and Sanitation
Families in Flint, Michigan, protesting lead in their water, indigenous groups in the Amazon asserting control over their rivers, slum dwellers in India worried about disconnection or demanding cities bring...
Daniel M. Brinks, Arkaja Singh, Bruce M. Wilson (2022)
in Water 2022 vol. 14 no. 11

Journal Article | 2021
The Human Right to Water and Sanitation: Using Natural Language Processing to Uncover Patterns in Academic Publishing
After years of advocacy and international negotiation, the General Assembly of the United Nations voted to officially recognize a stand-alone human right to water and sanitation on 28 July 2010....
Christopher Michael Faulkner,Joshua Earl Lambert, Bruce M. Wilson and Matthew Steven Faulkner (2021)
in Water vol. 12 no. 24

Journal Article | 2021
The Effectiveness of Harnessing Human Rights: The Struggle over the Ilısu Dam in Turkey
Under what conditions can a human rights-based approach be successfully utilized? This article argues that the efficacy of a human rights discourse is, in large part, determined by the nature...
Günes Murat Tezcür, Rebecca Schiel, Bruce M. Wilson (2021)
in Development and Change vol. 52 no. 6

Journal Article | 2021
Special issue: Water and Sanitation as Human Rights: Have They Strengthened Marginalized Peoples’ Claim for Access?
Special Issue in journal Water: Water and Sanitation as Human Rights: Have They Strengthened Marginalized Peoples’ Claim for Access?
Bruce M. Wilson, Arkaja Singh, Daniel Brinks (2021)
in Water

Journal Article | 2021
The Determinants of Access to Sanitation: The Role of Human Rights and the Challenges of Measurement
Ten years after the United Nation’s recognition of the human right to water and sanitation (HRtWS), little is understood about how these right impacts access to sanitation. There is limited...
Rebecca Schiel, Bruce M. Wilson, Malcolm Langford (2021)
in Water vol. 13 no. 12

Journal Article | 2021
Special Issue: The Politics of the Human Right to Water
Special Issue in journal Water: The Politics of the Human Right to Water.
Bruce M. Wilson, Malcolm Langford, Rebecca Shiel (2021)
in Water

Journal Article | 2020
Does it Matter: Constitutionalisation, Democratic Governance, and the Human Right to Water
States are urged frequently by the UN, policymakers, and activists to recognise the human right to water domestically. However, does such legal incorporation, often in national constitutions, affect water policy...
Rebecca Schiel, Malcolm Langford, Bruce M. Wilson (2020)
in Water vol. 12 no. 2

Journal Article | 2019
Overcoming the Limits of Legal Opportunity Structures: LGBT Rights’ Divergent Paths in Costa Rica and Colombia
Costa Rica and Colombia, two of the earliest Latin American countries to protect many LGBT rights, attempted to amplify those rights and litigate same-sex marriage (SSM) in mid-2000s; however, these...
Bruce M. Wilson,Camila Gianella (2019)
in Latin American Politics and Society. vol. 61, Special Issue 2 pp. 138-163

Journal Article | 2018
Revisiting Health Rights Litigation and Access to Medications in Costa Rica: Preliminary Evidence from the Cochrane Collaboration Reform
In response to the incremental creation of an expansive constitutional right to health in Costa Rica, the country’s rights-friendly constitutional chamber of the Supreme Court (known as the Sala IV)...
Olman Rodríguez Loaiza, Sigrid Morales, Ole Frithjof Norheim, and Bruce Wilson (2018)
in Health and Human Rights Journal vol. 20 no. 1 pp. 79-91

Journal Article | 2014
Health rights litigation and access to medicines: Priority classification of successful cases from Costa Rica’s constitutional chamber of the supreme court
Although Costa Rica has no explicit constitutional right to health, its constitutional chamber of the Supreme Court (Sala IV) has become increasingly central to the resolution of many health care...
Ole Frithjof Norheim, Bruce Wilson (2014)
in Health and Human Rights: An International Journal vol. 16 no. 2 pp. 47-61

Journal Article | 2007
Claiming Individual Rights through a Constitutional Court: The Example of Gays in Costa Rica
Bruce M. Wilson (2007)
in ICON - International Journal of Constitutional Law vol. 5 no. 2 pp. 242-257

Edited Book | 2022
Water and Sanitation as Human Rights: Have they strengthened Marginalized Peoples’ Claim for Access?
This book is a reprint of the Special Issue Water and Sanitation as Human Rights: Have They Strengthened Marginalized Peoples’ Claim for Access? that was published in Water (ISSN 2073-4441).
Bruce M. Wilson, Daniel Brinks, Arkaja Singh (2022)

Book | 2022
El agua como derecho humano: Reconocimientos y disputas en Costa Rica
The book El agua como derecho humano: Reconocimientos y disputas en Costa Rica (Water as a Human Right: Recognitions and Disputes in Costa Rica) analyzes the role of the human right to water...
Bruce M. Wilson and Evelyn Villarreal F. (2022)
San José, C.R: PEN-CONARE 223 p.

Book | 2010
Courts and power in Latin America and Africa
Why do courts hold political power-holders accountable in some democratic and democratizing countries, but not in others? And, why do some courts remain very timid while others—under seemingly similar circumstances—become...
Siri Gloppen, Bruce M. Wilson, Roberto Gargarella, Elin Skaar, and Morten Kinander (2010)
New York: Palgrave Macmillan 231 p.

Book Chapter | 2022
Bruce M. Wilson and Evelyn Villarreal F. (2022)
in E. Villarreal F. and B. M. Wilson : El agua como derecho humano: Reconocimientos y disputas en Costa Rica. San José, C.R: PEN-CONARE 223 p.

Book Chapter | 2021
Costa Rica
Bruce M. Wilson, Olman A. Rodríguez L., Sigrid Morales Carrasco (2021)
in Richard Albert, David Landau, Pietro Faraguna, Simon Drugda: The I·CONnect-Clough Center 2020 Global Review of Constitutional Law. The Clough Center for the Study of Constitutional Democracy pp. 67-71

Book Chapter | 2019
The Judicialisation of Politics in Latin America
Bruce M. Wilson,Camila Gianella (2019)
in Sieder, Rachel., Ansolabehere, Karina., Alfonso, Tatiana: Routledge Handbook of Law and Society in Latin America. Routledge

Book Chapter | 2018
Bruce Wilson and E. Villareal (2018)
in The Global Encyclopaedia of Informality, Volume I: Towards Understanding of Social and Cultural Complexity

Book Chapter | 2018
Bruce Wilson and E. Villareal (2018)
in The Global Encyclopaedia of Informality, Volume I: Towards Understanding of Social and Cultural Complexity

Book Chapter | 2017
Costa Rica: Tipping points and an incomplete journey
This chapter tracks Costa Rica’s long transition from a particularistic to a universal ethical society using a process-tracing methodology. It argues that the origins of Costa Rica’s success began in...
Bruce Wilson and Evelyn Villareal (2017)
in Transitions to Good Governance: Creating Virtuous Circles of Anti-corruption

Book Chapter | 2017
Costa Rica: Understanding variations in compliance
Bruce M. Wilson and Olman A. Rodríguez L. (2017)
in Malcolm Langford, César Rodríguez-Garavito and Julieta Rossi: Social Rights Judgments and the Politics of Compliance: Making it Stick. Cambridge University Press pp. 111-139

Book Chapter | 2016
LGBTI Rights
Bruce M. Wilson,Camila Gianella (2016)
in Juan González-Bertomeu, Roberto Gargarella: The Latin American Casebook. Courts, Constitutions, and Rights.

Report in External Series | 2014
Costa Rica’s Anti-Corruption Trajectory: Strengths and Limitations
In spite of the economic and social policy successes of Latin America’s longest surviving democracy, corruption has become a major problem shaking Costa Ricans’ confidence in appointed and elected public...
Bruce M. Wilson (2014)
(Work Package: WP3, Corruption and governance improvement in global and continental perspectives. Anti-Corruption Policies Revisited Project. EU/Hertie/GIGA)

CMI Brief | 2016
Enforcement of water rights
In 2010, a UN Resolution explicitly recognized the human right to water and sanitation (HRtWS). But has this international recognition improved the ability of poor and marginalized people to secure...
Lara Côrtes, Camila Gianella, Bruce Wilson (2016)
Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Brief vol. 15 no. 9) 4 p.

CMI Brief | 2015
Rainbow revolution in Latin America: The battle for recognition
In a surprising turn of events, a “rainbow revolution” has blossomed in Latin America. In spite of the region’s long history of deep-rooted patriarchy, machismo, homophobia, and political and social...
Camila Gianella-Malca, Bruce Wilson (2015)
Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Brief vol. 14 no. 1) 4 p.

Conference Paper / Presentation | 2022
Women’s Political Representation and the Human Right to Water
Kerstin Hamann, Christopher Faulkner, and Bruce M. Wilson (2022)
Presented at: Southern Political Science Association meeting

Conference Paper / Presentation | 2021
The Decentered Construction of Global Rights: Lessons from the Human Right to Water.
Daniel M. Brinks, Bruce M. Wilson, Arkaja Singh (2021)
Presented at: American Political Science Association Annual Meeting

Conference Paper / Presentation | 2020
Evaluating a Human Rights Approach to Water: A Case Study of a Turkish Dam
Günes Murat Tezcür, Rebecca Schiel, Bruce M. Wilson (2020)
Presented at: Conference on Environmental, Cultural, Economic & Social Sustainability

Conference Paper / Presentation | 2020
Democracy and Public Goods Revisited: The Role of Local Institutions and Development
Rebecca Schiel, Bruce M. Wilson, Malcolm Langford (2020)
Presented at: American Political Science Association Annual Meeting & Southern Political Science Association Annual Meeting

Conference Paper / Presentation | 2020
Democratic Deficiencies: Institutional Characteristics, Economic Development, and Water Access
Rebecca Schiel, Bruce M. Wilson, Malcolm Langford (2020)
Presented at: Southern Political Science Association Annual Meeting, San Juan, Puerto Rico

Conference Paper / Presentation | 2019
Elevating water rights to human rights: Has it strengthened marginalized peoples’ claim for water?
Lara Cortes, Namita Wahi, Bruce M. Wilson, Daniel M. Brinks, Evelyn Villarreal Fernandez, Inga T. Winkler (2019)
Presented at: Law and Society Association (LSA) Annual Meeting, Washington

Conference Paper / Presentation | 2018
Examining the Human Right to Water: Do Human Rights Improve the Lives of Marginalized People?
Bruce M. Wilson (2018)
Presented at: LASA Conference

Conference Paper / Presentation | 2017
From Criminalization to Marriage Equality: Explaining Variance in LGBT Rights across Latin America.
Bruce M. Wilson,Camila Gianella (2017)
Presented at: Latin American Studies Association Congress. Session: LGBT Rights in Latin America. Lima, Peru.

Conference Paper / Presentation | 2016
Litigating Water as a Human Right: An Effective Strategy in Latin America?
Bruce M. Wilson,Camila Gianella,Lara Côrtes (2016)
Presented at: Law and Society Association Annual Meeting. Session IRC Transnational Natural Resource Governance, Sovereignty and Human Rights.

Conference Paper / Presentation | 2015
Reaching the Limits of Legal Mobilization Strategies: Evidence from Latin American LGBT Movements
Bruce M. Wilson,Camila Gianella (2015)
Presented at: Law and Society Association Annual Meeting. Session Legal Mobilization in Context: Litigation and Organizations. Seattle, USA.

Radio and TV appearance | 2022
Book discussion, El agua como derecho humano: reconocimientos y disputas en Costa Rica on Global Perspectives TV show on PBS (WUCF)
(661) Global Perspectives | Dr. Bruce Wilson - YouTube
Bruce M. Wilson (2022)
(Global Perspectives TV show on PBS (WUCF) no. 24.07.2022)

Presentation/Lecture | 2022
Book launch: The Human Right to Water vs the Rights of Water?
Bruce M. Wilson, Jackie Dugard, Arkaja Singh, Evelyn Villarreal, John-Andrew McNeish (2022)
Bergen Exchanges 2022 23.08.2022

Presentation/Lecture | 2022
Researching Effects of Water Rights
Bruce M. Wilson (2022)
PhD Course "Effects of Lawfare: Courts and law as battlegrounds for social change". CMI-UiB Centre on Law and Social Transformation 19.08.2022

Presentation/Lecture | 2022
Water and Sanitation as Human Rights
Jackie Dugard, Bruce M. Wilson, Christopher Faulkner, Arkaja Singh, Catalina Vallejo, Namita Wahi, Inga Winkler (2022)
School for Human Rights and the Environment 20.06.2022

Presentation/Lecture | 2022
Book launch in Costa Rica (in Spanish)
The book El agua como derecho humano: Reconocimientos y disputas en Costa Rica (Water as a Human Right: Recognitions and Disputes in Costa Rica) analyzes the role of the human right to water...
Evelyn Villarreal F., Bruce M. Wilson, Karen Chacón Araya, A. R. Cover, Alberto Gutiérrez Arguedas, L. Merino Trejos, Leo Heller, Jorge Vargas Cullell, Nancy Hernández López (2022)

Presentation/Lecture | 2022
World Water Day: Stories of Local Water Governance
Andrea Restrepo-Mieth, Arkaja Singh, Bruce M. Wilson, Inga Winkler, Charles Epp, Nika Kovac, Maya Pinzón (2022)
HF Library, University of Bergen and Zoom 22.03.2022

Presentation/Lecture | 2022
Women’s Political Representation and the Human Right to Water
Bruce M. Wilson, Kerstin Hamann, Christopher Michael Faulkner (2022)
SPSA Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX

Presentation/Lecture | 2020
Water, Inequality, and Rights
Arkaja Singh, Bruce M. Wilson, Camila Gianella, Daniel Brinks, Inga Winkler, Malcolm Langford, Mathea Loen, Rebecca Shiel (2020)
Bergen Exchanges 18.08.2020

Presentation/Lecture | 2019
Elevating water rights to human rights: Has it strengthened poor peoples’ claim for water?
Bruce M. Wilson, Lara Cortes, Leo Heller, Namita Wahi, Evelyn Villareal, Malcom Langford (2019)
Bergen Exchanges 22.08.2022

Presentation/Lecture | 2018
Taller de consulta: El agua como derecho humano
Bruce M. Wilson, Evelyn Villarreal (2018)
Programa Estado de la Nación, Pavas, San José, Costa Rica 11.12.2018

Presentation/Lecture | 2018
The Right to Water, Urban Governance and Health
Bruce Wilson, Jackie Dugard, Namita Wahi, Daniel Brinks, Evelyn Villarreal Fernandez (2018)
Bergen Exchanges 24.08.2018

Presentation/Lecture | 2018
Elevating Water Rights to Human Rights
Bruce M. Wilson, Siri Gloppen (2018)
Overseas Development Institute, London 15.05.2018

Presentation/Lecture | 2017
Elevating Water Rights to Human Rights: Has it Strengthened Marginalized Peoples’ Claim for Water in Costa Rica
Bruce M. Wilson, Evelyn Villarreal (2017)
Programa Estado de la Nación, Pavas, Costa Rica 04.10.2017

Presentation/Lecture | 2017
Can water rights bring water to the poor?
Bruce M. Wilson, Malcolm Langford, Lara Côrtes, Arkaja Singh, Namita Wahi, Inga Winkler (2017)
Bergen Exchanges 05.08.2017

Presentation/Lecture | 2017
Elevating Water Rights to Human Rights: Has it Strengthened Marginalized Peoples’ Claim for Water?
Bruce M. Wilson, Camila Gianella, Lara Cortes (2017)
SamPol, University of Bergen, Norway 08.02.2017

Presentation/Lecture | 2017
Elevating Water Rights to Human Rights: Has it Strengthened Marginalized Peoples’ Claim for Water?”
Bruce M. Wilson, Camila Gianella, Lara Cortes (2017)
CMI Rights Cluster meeting presentation, CMI, Bergen, Norway 07.02.2017

Blog post | 2020
The Human Right to Water in a Global Pandemic
As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, over 255 city and state governments in the U.S. have suspended utility disconnections resulting from past due accounts (Noor 2020). Health officials, politicians,...
Rebecca Schiel, Bruce M. Wilson, Malcolm Langford (2020)
(LSE Human Rights Blog)

Sexual and Reproductive Rights Lawfare: Global battles
May 2014 - Jan 2020