Frode Løvlie is no longer affiliated with CMI.


Journal Article | 2014

Questioning the Secular-Religious Cleavage in Palestinian Politics: Comparing Fatah and Hamas

Following the 2007 war between Fatah and Hamas, Palestinian politics appears to have followed the regional trend where the competition between secularism and Islamism is developing into a major political...
Frode Løvlie (2014)
in Politics and Religion vol. 7 no. 1 pp. 100-121
Journal Article | 2013

Hamas and the Arab Spring: Introduction

The Arab Spring is a critical juncture for examining Hamas, a movement created in the context of a popular revolt (against Israeli occupation) similar to those that have reverberated throughout...
Frode Løvlie, Are John Knudsen (2013)
in Middle East Policy vol. 20 no. 3 pp. 56-59
Journal Article | 2013

Explaining Hamas's Changing Electoral Strategy, 1996-2006

Hamas, the most influential Islamist party in the occupied Palestinian territories, replaced its strategy of electoral boycott in 1996 with participation in 2006 – a change not explained in the...
Frode Løvlie (2013)
in Government and Opposition vol. 48 no. 4 pp. 570-593
CMI Brief | 2011

البحث عن قيادة فلسطينية

تزعم هذه الورقة أنه حتى لو تم تحقيق مصالح ناجحة بين حركتي فتح وحماس، فإنذلك لن يوفر للفلسطينيين القيادة التي يحتاجونها، حيث أن شرعيتهم الداخلية قدتآكلت جداً. وبدلاً من ذلك...
Frode Løvlie and Dr. Basem Ezbidi (2011)
Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Brief vol. 10 no. 6) 4 p.
CMI Brief | 2011

In search of a Palestinian leadership

This brief argues that even a successful reconciliation between Hamas and Fatah will fall short of providing the leadership the Palestinians need. Their domestic legitimacy are simply too frayed. Instead it argues...
Frode Løvlie, Dr. Basem Ezbidi (2011)
Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Brief vol. 10 no. 6) 4 p.
Master's Thesis | 2008

From Maximalist Absolutism towards Pragmatic Opportunism - Explaining Hamas' Electoral Participation

Frode Løvlie (2008)
Master Thesis in Comparative Politics. Bergen: University of Bergen. Department of Comparative Politics 98 p.
Conference Paper / Presentation | 2012

A secular-religious cleavage in Palestinian politics? Comparing the nationalisms of Fatah and Hamas.

From 2006 onwards, Palestinian politics has been defined by the rivalry between the (alleged) secular Fatah and its religious competitor Hamas. Palestinian politics thus appear to exemplify the regional trend...
Frode Løvlie (2012)
Presented at: EUI 13th Mediterranean Research Meeting, Montecatini Terme 21-24 March 2012
Conference Paper / Presentation | 2012

A secular-religious cleavage in Palestinian politics? Comparing the nationalisms of Fatah and Hamas.

Frode Løvlie (2012)
Presented at: "Nationalism, Secularism and Religion", seminar at the Swedish Research Institute in Istanbul, Nordic Society for Middle Eastern Studies, 1-7 October 2012
Conference Paper / Presentation | 2011

Explaining Hamas's changing electoral strategy, 1996-2006

Hamas, the most influential Islamist party in occupied Palestinian territories, replaced its strategy of electoral boycott in 1996 with participation in 2006 – a change not fully explained in the...
Frode Løvlie (2011)
Presented at: 6th ECPR General Conference
Conference Paper / Presentation | 2011

Measuring party institutionalization in Palestine?

Frode Løvlie (2011)
Presented at: Nasjonal fagkonferanse i statsvitenskap, Bergen 5.-7. januar 2011
Conference Paper / Presentation | 2010

Party Change in Palestine: Explaining Hamas's Electoral Strategy, 1996-2006

Frode Løvlie (2010)
Presented at: World Congress for Middle Eastern Studies Barcelona, July 19th - 24th 2010
Conference Paper / Presentation | 2010

The European Foreign Policy on the Palestinian Issue: The Case of Norway, "Post-Oslo"

Are Knudsen and Frode Løvlie (2010)
Presented at: Conference on "The European Foreign Policy towards the Palestinian Issue", Al-Zaytouna Centre for Studies and Consultations in Beirut, on 3-4/11/2010.
Newspaper Op-Ed | 2011

FN-søknaden kan gi håp for fremtiden

Søknad om medlemskap i FN kan gi Palestina sterkere kort på hånden, bl.a. i kravet om at 1967-grensene skal gjelde. Om det blir nei, kan statusen i FN oppgraderes fra...
Frode Løvlie (2011)
Bergens Tidende 17.09.2011
Newspaper Article | 2013

Islamister får regjere - på folkets nåde

Islamistenes valgsuksess er ikke nødvendigvis tilbakeskritt for et folkestyre i land der fåmannsveldet har regjert i årtier. Det til tross for at Vesten frykter islam som en udemokratisk religion. Det arabiske...
Frode Løvlie (2013)
Bergens Tidende 17.06.2013
Presentation/Lecture | 2012

Party, movement or terrorists? Conceptual challenges when analyzing Hamas

Lecture SAMPOL212 at UiB.
Frode Løvlie (2012)
SAMPOL212 / Political Mobilization: Social Movements, Organizations and Political Parties 3.09.2012
Presentation/Lecture | 2011

Party, movement or terrorists? Conceptual challenges when analyzing Hamas

Lecture SAMPOL212 at UiB.
Frode Løvlie (2011)
SAMPOL212 / Political Mobilization: Social Movements, Organizations and Political Parties 29.08.2011
Presentation/Lecture | 2010

Hamas i Palestina: Hvorfor stemmer folk på islamistene?

Frode Løvlie (2010)
Studentene på Studieprogrammet i Midtaustenkunnskap, UiB 21.10.2010
Presentation/Lecture | 2010

Islamic Movements in the Middle East and North Africa

Frode Løvlie (2010)
PRIO, MFA and World Bank seminar "Peace, Stability and Development in the Middle East and North Africa", Oslo 24.06.2010
