Kari Telle
Current projects

Support to Norad's Department of Climate, Nature and the Private Sector

Conflict Enclosures
Completed projects

Green economy, low carbon development and international climate change policy

UiO-NCHR Mid-term review of international department ]

Politics of Faith

Regulating Religion: Secularism and Religious Freedom in the Global Era

Real-Time Evaluation of Norway's International Climate and Forest Initiative

Transitional Justice, Violence and Reconciliation
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Journal Articles
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Popular Presentations and Lectures
Blog posts
Social anthropologist who works on the 'politics of faith' focusing on the legal regulation of religion, religious minorities, militias, infrastructure and tourism in Indonesia
Telle is a social anthropologist with research experience in Indonesia since 1994, spanning various aspects of religion and religious change (Islam, Hinduism), ritual, state management of religion, religious minorities, and the politics of religious freedom.
Telle's research also deals with the upsurge of ethnic and religious civilian policing groups in Indonesia since 1998, with a focus on vigilantism and the dynamic interaction between state and non-state security providers. Other areas of interest include: local justice and human rights, resource governance and tourism development in Indonesia and Southeast Asia.
Telle is a member of the editorial committee of Kritisk Etnografi - Swedish Journal of Anthropology and board member of the Engaging Indonesia Book Series (Springer).
For citations to the work of Kari Telle see this page.