Kjersti G. Berg
Completed projects

The Invisible Ceiling

Urban Displacement, Development and Donor Policies in the Middle East (URBAN3DP)

SuperCamp: Genealogies of Humanitarian Containment in the Middle East
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Middle East researcher working on the Palestine-Israel conflict, Palestinian refugees and international aid.
Kjersti is a historian and Middle East scholar who works on displacement, refugees, and humanitarianism in the Middle East.
Her special competence is the Palestinian refugee question, United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), and refugee camps.
Kjersti also works on Palestine-Israel history, Norwegian and international aid to Palestinians, and Jerusalem.
In 2023, her book “Palestine. Facts on the ground” was published by the Scandinavian University Press.
In 2023, with Are J. Knudsen, she co-edited the book Continental encampment. The Genealogy of humanitarian containment in the Middle East, Berghahn. Between 2019-2022 she co-managed the research project "SuperCamp: Geneaologies of humanitarian containment in the Middle East", funded by the Norwegian Research Council.
In 2023 Kjersti co-curated the photo-exhibition “More than the humanitarian gaze. Jørgen Grinde’s photography from the Middle East in the 1950s”, at the University Library, University of Bergen.
Kjersti has contributed to studies commissioned by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and to CMI research projects. She is currently working on a research project on Syrian and Palestinian refugees from Syria, who fled to Gaza after 2011. This forms part of the project "Urban Displacement, Development and Donor Policies in the Middle East".
Kjersti is a contributor to the "Invisible Ceiling" project, exploring financial exclusion of muslim immigrant entrepeneurs in Norway.
She has a long experience in teaching the Israel-Palestine history, migration, human rights, Middle East history, and in supervising students. Her experiences include large-scale research coordination and research communication.