Sandra Halvorsen is no longer affiliated with CMI.

Journal Article | 2019
Fabrikker mot fattigdom?
Kvinners deltakelse i arbeidsmarkedet blir ofte sett på som en transformerende faktor for å styrke deres stilling, bidra til økt velferd gjennom høyere inntekt og redusere ulikheter. Etiopias voksende fabrikkindustri...
Espen Villanger,Sandra Halvorsen (2019)
in Magma vol. 22 no. 0619 pp. 56-64

CMI Report | 2018
Life skills in non-formal contexts for adolescent girls in developing countries
Executive summary
How can young women in developing countries best be prepared for success in their lives and livelihoods? Life preparation requires learning different types of knowledge and skills in formal,...
Kendra Dupuy, Sosina Bezu, Are Knudsen, Sandra Halvorsen, Christina Kwauk (Brookings Institution), Amanda Braga (Brookings Institution), Helyn Kim (Brookings Institution) (2018)
Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Report R 2018:5) 115 p.

Presentation/Lecture | 2017
Does Employment Empower Women?
The impact of industrial jobs on health, domestic violence and political participation among women i Ethiopia. Key note Prof. Ruth Pearson, POLIS, University of Leeds. With presentations from Lovise Aalen (CMI), Andreas Kotsadam (Frisch Centre), Bente Moen (UiB) and Wakgari...
Lovise Aalen (2017)