Understanding Egypt: Soldiers, Revolutionaries and the People
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15:30 Opening remarks
Senior Researcher, Nefissa Naguib, CMI
15:45 – 16:45 Keynote lecture: Egypt’s Uncertain Revolution
Is Egypt headed for prolonged political instability or is a new political order being established? Can there be democracy or does order depend on renewed authoritarianism?
Professor Nathan J. Brown, George Washington University
Chair: Torunn Wimpelmann, CMI
17:00 - 19:00 Panel debate
What did really take place in Egypt last July? What will be the long term consequences, for the country and the region?
Mona Abdel-Fadil, Middle East and Multicultural Consulting, Oslo
Zeinab Abul-Magd, Oberline University / AuC, Cairo
Heidi Johansen, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Norway
Carl Rommel, SOAS, London
Hanna Yousef, Voices from Egypt, Paris/ Cairo
Moderator: Åse Østensen Gilje, the Royal Norwegian Naval College
This event is organised by Everyday Maneuvers, a 3-year research project at Chr Michelsen Institute on military-civilian relations in the Middle East and Latin America, funded by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Project leader: Nefissa Naguib. Project Coordinator: Torunn Wimpelmann