Torunn Wimpelmann
Completed projects

Women on the Bench: The Role of Female Judges in Fragile States

New Afghan Men: Marriage, Masculinities and Sexual Politics in Afghanistan

Women's Human Rights and Law Reform in the Muslim World

Protection of Civilians: From Principle to Practice

Violence against women and criminal justice in Afghanistan

Evaluation of Training for Peace in Africa

Afghanistan. Focus on women - experiences from Norwegian funded NGO projects

Policy Briefs Afghanistan

The Price of Protection. Gender, Violence and Power in Afghanistan

Violence in the post-conflict state

Hydro carbon resources in Afghanistan

Review of support for Afghans returning from Norway
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Political ethnographer whose current focus is on the intersections between gender, political and legal orders in contemporary Afghanistan.
Torunn Wimpelmann completed her PhD on gender violence in Afghanistan (SOAS). Her main field of research is gender politics and legal reform in Afghanistan, where she has done several years of fieldwork.
She is the author of The Pitfalls of Protection. Gender, Violence and Power in Afghanistan ( University of California Press, 2017) and has published in Central Asian Survey, Women's Studies International Forum , Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly, Men and Masculinities and the British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, as well as various University Presses.
Wimpelmann is currently researching the relationships between law, religion and Afghan gender politics and activism.
She has previosly co-directed a three year research project on masculinities and marriage practices in Afghanistan, funded by the Research Council of Norway. She has also worked on numerous aid evaluations and policy assignments, and recently led an analysis of Norway's Action Plans for Women, Peace and Security
Between 2014 and 2016 she served as an member of the government-appointed Commission of Inquiry into Norway's engagement in Afghanistan. She is currently a member of the expert group to the inquiry on Denmarks engagement in Afghanistan.