New Horizons: Law Reform and Gender Justice in the Greater Middle East
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Liv Tønnessen
The conference explores the potential and limits of law and law reform in pursuit of gender justice and social transformation. Focusing on Muslim majority countries, particular attention is on the ongoing negotiations between international, national and local (including customary law) legal norms in discourses, mobilization strategies and practices of family law and criminal law. We invite presentations from international and regional scholars and activists to critically discuss mobilization and implementation of law reforms in the greater Middle Eastern countries.
Conference organized by Ahfad University for Women, Sudan in collaboration with Chr.Michelsen Institute (CMI) Norway
If you would like to participate, let us know as soon as possible and submit a 200 word abstract by July 15 to Liv Tønnessen
Travel and accommodation costs of selected applicants will be funded by the organizers:
• Liv Tønnessen (PhD), Senior Researcher, Chr.Michelsen Institute, Norway
• Professor Balghis Badri (PhD), Director of The Regional Institute of Gender, Diversity, Peace and Rights, Ahfad University for Women
• Samia al-Nagar (PhD), Lecturer at The Regional Institute of Gender, Diversity, Peace and Rights, Ahfad University for Women