“Entangled Diasporas: Israel the Palestine in Transnational Perspective”
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Palestinian and Jewish-Zionist histories and cultures are thickly intertwined. Both communities share a history of diasporic experience and a diasporic consciousness as “imagined communities,” and yet, they are usually studied in isolation from one another.
This workshop brings the two together with the aim of deepening our understanding of the ways in which these diasporas, and their respective nation-building projects, have shaped one another, whether through geographic proximity and struggle or in the realm of the imaginary.
The workshop takes inspiration from the concept of “entangled histories” (histoire croisée), which refers to histories of societies, cultures, and peoples that have existed in geographic proximity to one another, physically bordering or even overlapping each other. By placing Palestinian and Jewish diasporas in this context and recognizing their entanglement with each other, the workshop explores meaningful comparisons between them as well as scrutinizes interactions and mutual influences.
The workshop is organized by Toufoul Abou-Hodeib and Doug Rossinow.
Monday, March 25
10.00–10:30 Welcoming Remarks
Doug Rossinow and Toufoul Abou-Hodeib
10.30–12.30 Panel 1: Archive and Method in Diaspora and Exile
Respondent: Nadim Khoury, Bjørknes University College, Oslo
Keith P. Feldman, University of California, Berkeley
Diaspora and Relation: Errant Methods
Mezna Qato, University of Cambridge
Traces beyond Territory: Exile and Practices of Archival Retrieval
12.30–14.00 Lunch/Coffee at Professorboligen
14.00–16.00 Panel 2: Mobilizing Alliances and Solidarities
Respondent: Hilde Henriksen Waage, University of Oslo
Seth Anziska, University College London:
American Jews between Begin and Arafat: Communal Politics and Citizen Diplomacy in the 1970s and 1980s
Sune Haugebølle, Roskilde University:
Palestine as Entanglement: Palestinian-Danish Relations in the Radical Left
Tuesday, March 26
09.30–11.30 Panel 3: Building Diasporic Identities
Respondent: Jacob Høigilt, University of Oslo
Shaul Mitelpunkt, University of York
From ‘A Traitor’ to ‘A Genius’: Israeli Immigrants to the United States in 1970s Imagination
Toufoul Abou-Hodeib, University of Oslo
The Politics of Palestinian Folklore in Exile
11.30–13.00 Lunch/Coffee at Professorboligen
13.00–15.00 Panel 4: Seeing and Managing the Stateless
Respondent: Nils Butenschøn, University of Oslo
Kjersti Berg, University of Bergen
On the Margins: Shu’fat Refugee Camp 1960-2018
Doug Rossinow, University of Oslo
American Jews Discuss Palestinian Refugees: The Forgotten Years, 1947–70
15.00–15.15 Coffee break
15.15–16.30 Closing Discussion
Led by Toufoul Abou-Hodeib and Doug Rossinow
See event webpage