Online workshop exploring the SuperCamp concept
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The Supercamp project members met online for the annual workshop. Each member presented drafts of their chapters examining the theme of migration management in the Middle East.
Engaging discussions explored wider concepts relating to contemporary humanitarian practices, historical comparative analysis of camp settings, camp management by UNRWA, self-construction of camps and camp architecture in Zaatari (Jordan) and Sabra (Beirut), migrant policy in Lampedusa, in addition to contributions on northern Syria, the Balkans and Iraq.
Contributors present: Kjersti Berg (CMI); Synnøve Bendixsen (Bergen University); Rebecca Bryant (Utrecht University); Dawn Chatty (University of Oxford); Antonio de Lauri (CMI); Kamel Doraï (IFPO & CRNS); Robert Forster (CMI); Sophia Hoffman (Leibniz-S M.O.); Are John Knudsen (CMI); and Benjamin White (University of Glasgow).
- Humanitarianism
- Rights and Legal Institutions
- Democracy and Governance
- Iraq
- Syria
- Palestine
- Israel
- Jordan
- Lebanon
- Italy
- EU
- Balkans
- Serbia
- Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Croatia
- Albania
- Refugee
- Migration
- Forced displacement
- Middle East
- Governance