The effects of European migration policy in Africa and the Middle East
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This seminar examines how European attempts to control irregular migration from Africa and the Middle East have shaped policies and practices in migration origin countries. Far from Europe imposing its will, in some instances, origin states take advantage of Europe’s obsessions with migration to pursue a different agenda. But where does this leave migrants and potential migrants?
Drawing on original research from Ethiopia, Ghana, Lebanon, Libya, and Senegal, the panel will consider the implications of their findings for migration policy. The seminar asks three main questions:
- What strategies do European states adopt in origin countries to try to reduce levels of irregular migration?
- Why might origin states sign up to policies and agreements that respond to
European priorities on migration? - What are the effects of this processes of externalisation of European migration policy in countries of origin?
Dr Kiya Gezahegne, Department of Anthropology, Addis Ababa University and Honorary Research Associate, Global Development Institute, University of Manchester
Dr Hans Lucht, Danish Institute for International Studies
Dr Zöe Jordan, Centre for Development and Emergency Practice, Oxford Brookes
Dr Leander Kandilige, Centre for Migration Studies, University of Ghana
Dr Franzisca Zanker, Arnold Bergstraesser Institute, Freiburg University
Moderator: Dr Oliver Bakewell, Global Development Institute, University of Manchester
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