Åse Roti Dahl, CMI
6 Dec 2023
PhD defence: Repressing or regulating? How African states control online activities
6 December 2023 09:15 - 14:30
PhD defence: Repressing or regulating? How African states control online activities
Ulrike Pihls hus, Ulrikes aula, Professor Keysers gate 1, Bergen
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Pauline Marguerite Lemaire defends her PhD thesis ‘Repressing or regulating? How African states control online activities’ at the University of Bergen on December 6 in Ulrike Pihl's hus, Ulrike's Aula.
Trial lecture: 06.12.2023 - 09.15–10.00
Public defence: 06.12.2023 - 10.30–14.30
Read the press release from the University of Bergen (In Norwegian).
Lemaire's PhD degree is part of "Youth in Africa ", a joint UiB/CMI project.