Join us on Wednesday, August 14th as we present research findings at the Nordic Migration Research (NMR) Conference hosted by the University of Bergen. TemPro panels will take place at 13:00 - 14:30 and from 16:30 - 18:00 at Hotel Terminus. 

The politics of mobility and precarity – and the alternatives | IMER Bergen | UiB




CMI Report | 2022

The temporary turn in Norwegian asylum law and practice

In Norway during the 1990s, a concept of temporary protection developed both as a principle of asylum for all refugees and as a tool for facilitating and coordinating asylum in...
Jessica Schultz (2022)
Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Report R 2022:5) 42 p.
CMI Report | 2022

Refugees as future returnees? Anatomy of the ‘paradigm shift’ towards temporary protection in Denmark

The ‘paradigm shift’ in Danish asylum policy, officially introduced in 2019, implied the adoption of quasi-mandatory rules on revocation of asylum residence permits as soon as the circumstances in the...
Jens Vedsted-Hansen (2022)
Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Report 2022:6) 44 p.
Book | 2023

Paradigmeskiftets konsekvenser

TemPro colleagues Mikkel Rytter (ed.), Sarah-Louise J. Mortensen (ed.), and Jens Vedsted-Hansen have published together with other Danish colleagues an interdisciplinary book the consequences of the 'paradigm shift' in Danish...
Sarah-Louise Mortensen and Mikkel Rytter (eds.) (2023)