Jessica Schultz
Completed projects

FAFO (NFR)-The Future of Resettlement - Vulnerability Revisited

IRRINI Review - voluntary return to Iraq

Transitional Justice, Violence and Reconciliation

Anti-Corruption Policy Making in Practice
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Journal Articles
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U4 Publications
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U4 Workshops
Legal researcher focused on international human rights and refugee law
I am a legal researcher with a background in human rights and refugee law. My recent work focuses on the concept of vulnerability in migration law and policy, temporary protection, citizenship, and refugee resettlement.
Current and recent projects
I am lead researcher for the Norwegian Research Council-funded project: Temporary Protection as a Durable Solution? The ‘return turn’ in asylum policies in Europe (TemPro), a collaboration between anthropologists and legal scholars exploring how temporariness is produced in law and how it is experienced by refugees in Denmark, Norway, the UK and Germany.
The Future of Resettlement: Vulnerability Revisited (NFR, 2021-2024)
VULNER: Vulnerabilities under the global protection regime (EU Horizon 2020, 2020-2023)
Interdisciplinarity in Migration Research
WAIT: the temporalities of irregular migration (NFR 2017-2020)