Entanglements in Refugee and Migration Law: Celebrating forty years of the Nordic Asylum Law Seminar, 23-24 May 2023

TemPro partners shared ongoing research at the 40th anniversary of the Nordic Asylum Law Seminar hosted at the University of Copenhagen by the Nordic Institute for Migration & The Center of Excellence on Global Mobility Law (MOBILE). Presentation topics include:

Jessica Schultz: Cessation and the broader temporary turn in Norwegian asylum practice

Jens Vedsted-Hansen: Novelties in Danish asylum law confronting EU standards

Advisory board members:

Cathryn Costello, "Who is Recognised as a Refugee? Insights from Diverse
Disciplines into the Multiverse of Definitions and Practices"

Rebecca Stern, "Stability of Status in Sweden. Exploring Time in Asylum and Citizenship Law"

Nikolas Feith Tan ‘Transnational Asylum: Towards a Principled Framework?’




CMI Report | 2022

The temporary turn in Norwegian asylum law and practice

In Norway during the 1990s, a concept of temporary protection developed both as a principle of asylum for all refugees and as a tool for facilitating and coordinating asylum in...
Jessica Schultz (2022)
Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Report R 2022:5) 42 p.
CMI Report | 2022

Refugees as future returnees? Anatomy of the ‘paradigm shift’ towards temporary protection in Denmark

The ‘paradigm shift’ in Danish asylum policy, officially introduced in 2019, implied the adoption of quasi-mandatory rules on revocation of asylum residence permits as soon as the circumstances in the...
Jens Vedsted-Hansen (2022)
Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Report 2022:6) 44 p.