Performance based funding of the health sector in Tanzania
Timeframe: Apr 2007 - Dec 2007
Funder: NORAD
Ottar Mæstad
Research Professor / Special Adviser, Director Development Learning Lab
The Norwegian Tanzanian Partnership Initiative (NTPI) aims at strengthen the efforts to attain Millennium Development Goals 4 and 5 on reducing child and maternal mortality. The modalities of the practical implementation of the NTPI have not been decided upon yet. However, one of the core ideas of the initiative is to implement some kind of performance-based funding system for the district health services.
This project will provide inputs to the ongoing discussions about a performance based funding system of the health sector in Tanzania. Focus will be on feasibility, design, selection of indicators, and impacts of performance based funding on core health goals.

Global Health and Development
Jan 2006 - Dec 2009