Ottar Mæstad
Completed projects

RISE - Research Initiative to Support the Empowerment of girls

Performance-based financing of health services in Tanzania

Litigating the Right to Health

Health, Poverty and Public Expenditure

Productivity of health workers

Service Delivery Indicators: a pilot

Global Health and Development

Priority setting in global health

Haydom Hospital - final project review

Performance based funding of the health sector in Tanzania

Review of Haydom Lutheran Hospital

Fair distribution of health

World Bank Trust Fund on Human Resources for Health

Human resources for health in Tanzania

Trade policy and poverty: A review

Ethics of priority setting in health

Health worker crisis in Africa - a case for exceptionality?

Market access for developing countries
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Researcher and manager with a focus on development policy and practice
Mæstad is the Director of Development Learning Lab, a research and learning centre working with practitioners to enhance learning and improve the results of development cooperation.
Mæstad was the Director of CMI from 2010 to 2022. He is an economist with research background in global health as well as in areas such as environment and energy, climate policy, and international trade. He initiated the global health research programme at CMI, and his research in this area focused on health service delivery - human resources, quality of health care, governance in the health sector, results-based financing, vaccination coverage – as well as adolescent health / early marriage.
Mæstad has wide experience from research, research management, and policy analysis. He has led a number of research projects for clients such as the Research Council of Norway, Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Norad, the World Bank, the Hewlett Foundation, Statoil, the Norwegian Shipowners Association, and others.