Angola: Effects of 1992 elections
The first multiparty elections were held in Angola in 1992 as a part of the democratization and peace process.
However, the September 1992 elections were followed by a new breakout of the civil war, this time even more intensive. The new violence was triggered by the results of the elections, as the opposition rebel movement-turned-party UNITA and its leader Savimbi did not accept the electoral defeat.
Many Angolans today therefore associate elections with violence. Many people are afraid that the forthcoming elections (parliamentary elections in September 2008 and presidential elections in 2009) can bring violence and civil war again.
This pilot project will explore the anxiety and opinions of Angolans as to the coming elections. We will conduct a survey in Luanda and Huambo and environs, and the results (including suggestions as to how people believe electoral violence should be avoided) will be presented prior to the elections - in English and Portuguese.