This project is a midterm review of Umoja Cultural Flying Carpet South commissioned by the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Maputo. The Umoja programme originated in 2003 and has partners in eight countries, seven of them in Africa. The proposed study is a mid-term review of the ongoing four year period (2011 – 2015). The total amount granted for the ongoing project period is NOK 22 million, of which an amount not exceeding NOK 4 million per annum is to finance the Umoja Project for a four-year period (2011 – 2014) while NOK 6 million is a special grant for the Maputo Concert (Africa Umoja Festival). As stated in the Terms of Reference, the main purpose of the review is to:
- To assess the achievements of the project to date according to the main objectives and purposes as outlined in the contract, including the agreed project summary, the project document and the framework for partnership.
- To assess the sustainability of the project, with a particular focus on the local ownership.
- To assess the extent to which the funds from MFA have contributed to achieving the purposes of the project, particularly in terms of strengthening the collaboration between the partner institutions with reference to one of the purposes of the project.
The Team consists of Siri Lange (Team Leader), Chris Albertyn (Financial Management Expert), Anne Bang (Consultant), and Amélia Matsinhe Halvorsen (local consultant).