Mozambique’s civil war (1975-1992) left the country scarred. We research the all-embracing consequences of poverty, with a special focus on women.
Current projects
Completed projects
Cabo Delgado: Conflict, Resilience and Reconstruction
Development of a gender framework for asset recovery programme
[FCG(SIDA)-Mid-term Evaluation of Swedish government funded Civil Society ]
Political Economy Analysis, Mozambique
The Voice of China in Africa - Media and soft power
Reality Checks in Mozambique 2011-2016
Film Project "Maputo Emergente". Visualising an African Divided City
End review of FDC's immunization project in Zambezia Province, Mozambique
Peoples' views of taxation in Africa
The tax systems in Mozambique, Tanzania and Zambia: capacity and constraints
Elections and Democracy in Africa
Monitoring Mozambique's Poverty Reduction Strategy PARPA (2006-2013)
Gender Equality and Development in Mozambique - Contribution to WDR 2012
Gender Policies and Feminisation of Poverty in Mozambique (2008-2010)
Joint Evaluation of Norwegian and Swedish Aid in Support of Child Rights
Accountability functions of courts
Accounting for Poverty Reduction in Norwegian Development Aid to Mozambique
Gender Policies and Feminisation of Poverty in Mozambique (Sub-Project 1)
Evaluation of Norway's Power Related Assistance
Effects of the tax systems in Africa on investments and growth
Poverty Monitoring and Evaluation in Angola
Baseline study for rural electrification in three locations in Mozambique
Study on integrated sub-national administration in Mozambique
Poverty Analysis in Mozambique
Review of Scandinavian Assistance to the statistical bureau in Mozambique (INE)
The effects of post-war aid
Cabo Delgado Balcao Unico
WTO/GATS and economic development: key to 'the new economy'?
Mid-term review: Decentralised Finance Planning and Programme
Mainstreaming Mine Action
Assessment of multilateral organisations performance
University-Based African Consultants in Nordic and Canadian Development Aid
Norwegian assistance to countries in conflict
Institutional Cooperation between Public Institutions in Norway and the South
Sustained poverty
Since the internal conflict ended in the early 1990s, Mozambique has experienced economic growth (8% per year). Yet, the country continues to score poorly on international human development indexes. The average GDP per capita is also low. Infrastructure is feeble, and despite poverty reduction being high on the political agenda for decades, the majority of its population is still poor. There are large variations in poverty between the north and the south, and between urban and rural areas.
Poverty reduction has been high on the political and donor agenda throughout all these years. CMI has been involved in a number of long-term projects monitoring and evaluating developments ‘on the ground’. A recent focus has been on key urban dynamics and urban poverty. The project ”The Voice of China in Africa” seeks to understand the interaction between China and Africa in areas such as communication industries, media, and culture.