Gender Relations and Human Rights in Angola
Timeframe: Feb 2015 - Dec 2017

Centro de Estudos e Investigação Científica (CEIC)
Centro de Estudos e Investigacoes Cientifica (CEIC) is a policy think tank located at the Catholic University of Angola in Luanda. Since 2007 the CMI has had a broad cooperation programme with CEIC, presently comprising 16 different projects in economics, anthropology and political science as well as institutional capacity building.
This project will seek to better understand how women’s life opportunities are gendered. Particular attention will be given to women’s access to employment and income, and the position of women from human rights perspective with a particular reference to violence.
The main research questions will be:
- To what extent are different sources of employment and income gendered, and how does this vary between urban and rural areas?
- How is the income from male and female members of households managed, and to what extent do women control their own income?
- What are the perceptions of the extent and nature of domestic violence, and how has this changed over time?
- What is the position of human rights perspectives in legal and community-based organisations, and what implications does this have for the options women have for pursuing and dealing with violence?